It is virtually impossible at this distance to grasp at all the real significance of the situation.
事实上,经过层层传播,想要真正地把握形势,是根本不可能的。” |
It is virtually impossible to live in society and be independent of it.
生活在社会中而又不受影响,这实际上是不可能的。 |
It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.
精确预言未来的事实际上是办不到的. |
It is virtually impossible to reason with a werewolf in this state.
事实上这个状态的狼人无可理谕。 |
It is visible to you (but not others) via the web.
该信息在网络上对于您(但没有别人)是可见的。 |
It is visible, tangible and can be experienced. It is a rarity, which is not disappeared in the modern life.
这是一种生动的再现。即使在喧嚣的现代生活中也依然存在。 |
It is vital that the horse is the right size for the rider.
马匹类型要符合骑手,这一点非常关键。 |
It is vital that we move quickly.
我们必须快速离开。 |
It is vital to find a way out to develop the basic education, to improve people's character, to develop regional economy and to build a harmonious community in border area based on a survey.
调查了解其基础教育历史与现状,探索行之有效的对策,对缩短当地经济发展与发达地区的差距,提升人口素质以及边疆民族社会和谐发展具有重要的意义。 |
It is vitally important that all bonded contaminants, surface imperfections, oxidation, pore-imbedding stains, and built-up road grime, etc. first be removed in order to bring the finish to it's highest potential for clarity, gloss, depth and shine.
对于那些污物来讲,表面的暗哑、氧化、嵌镶在小孔内的灰尘以及公路上的沥青等,在清除之前,为了产生抛光的效果,必须清除它,否则会影响它潜在的清洁、它的光滑度以及光泽的深度。 |
It is vitally important to get together with like-minded spiritual souls at this time and amplify the effects of positive energies.
现在将具有相近思想和灵性的心灵结合在一起,将正面能量的影响放大具有绝对性的重要性。 |