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The main equipment is the bio-safety cabinet (type B2 is better, because it can avoid recycling of nucleic acid cabinet and cross contamination of specimens).

The main electric circuit uses integration microprocessor and IC, few buffer circuit for stable operation. 主要功能电路采用集成度很高的单片机,外围电路很少,工作更加稳定。
The main emphasis in the area of scientific research in hydrology and water management and field inspection solution fields. 在科研方面重点主要在水文学和水管理及解决野外考察等方面。
The main engine of transformation has been competition. 竞争一直都是变革的主要推动力量。
The main equipment here is a thermal cycler system for nucleic acid amplification (PCR, quantitative fluorescence detection or common). 主要仪器就是核酸扩增热循环仪(PCR仪,实时荧光或普通的)。
The main equipment here should be: pipette, refrigerator, balance, low speed centrifuge, vortex mixer, mobile UV lamp, etc. It can use Laminar flow cabinet for the reagent preparation. 仪器设备主要应有加样器、冰箱、天平、低速离心机、混匀器、可移动紫外灯等。可使用超净工作台作为试剂配制操作台面。
The main equipment is the bio-safety cabinet (type B2 is better, because it can avoid recycling of nucleic acid cabinet and cross contamination of specimens). 仪器设备主要应有生物安全柜(最好为B2,可避免提取核酸在柜内反复循环,造成标本间交叉“污染”,出现假阳性结果。
The main equipment is:large size gig saw,eleberate wood saw,equipment machine,abrasive machine,multiline line maching,tenon machine,cold press machine,seal linemachine and so on.Thecompany uses assembly line. 公司的主要设备有:大型带锯机、精密裁板锯,砂光机,安装机,多排锁,开榫机,冷压机,封边机,真空覆膜机等等,采用流水线作业。
The main equipments are: one 5-ton-copula,one 3-ton-copla,eight 5-ton-crane,one 10-tonresin sand mixer,one 5-ton resin sand mixer,two molding machines of 148 type,two shell moulding core shooters,one S112 sand mixer,one S114 sand mixer,one large size shot 主要设备有:5吨冲天炉1台、3吨冲天炉1台、5吨行车8台、10吨连续树脂混砂机1台、5吨连续树脂混砂机1台、148造型机2台、覆膜砂射芯机2台、S112混砂机1台、S114混砂机1台、大型抛丸机1台、小型滚筒式抛丸机1台、10吨树脂砂再生机一套,化验、物理检测、清砂设备齐全。
The main error patterns in one-step word problems were posing the adder and subtract problemsand Posing unknown number as known number. 五、单步骤题型拟题错误类型主要为:1.拟出加减之题目;2.「×」将未知数当作已知数加以拟题。
The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up. 主要活动如下: 第一项, 总裁讲话; 第二项, 秘书做解答; 第三项, 主席做总结.
The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up. 主要活动如下:第一项,总裁讲话;第二项,秘书做解答;第三项,主席做总结.

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