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A political scandal that was but a footnote to modern history.

A political arrangement in which various groups, such as ethnic or racial populations within a country or region, share power according to an agreed formula or mechanism. 联盟不同群体间的政治约定(如一个国家或地区内部的民族或种族),根据一个一致同意的方案或机构共享权力
A political comer. 有成功希望的政治家
A political heavyweight known for his tough talk, Mr Nakagawa said he welcomed the better Sino-Japanese relations that have followed a breakthrough visit by Mr Abe to Beijing last October. 中川是一位以强硬论调闻名的政治要人。他表示,他对安倍去年10月成功访问北京后中日关系的改善表示欢迎。
A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的突然变化的政治主张或态度
A political pundit. 政治评论家
A political scandal that was but a footnote to modern history. 一件对现代历史无足轻重的政治丑闻
A politician is like quicksilver ; if you try to put your finger on him, you will find nothing under it. 政客好比水银;当你要抓住他(的过错)的时候,你会发觉并未抓到什么东西。
A politician is like quicksilver; if you try to put your finger on him, you will find nothing under it. 政客好比水银;当你要抓住他(的过错)的时候,你会发觉并未抓到什么东西。
A politician minded to use them may do better to take a leaf from the investor's—or the statistician's—rulebook. 那些想要使用这个方法的政客们最好是先从投资者的或者统计员的规则手册中。
A politician must be able to communicate . 政治家必须善于表达自己的观点.
A politician must be able to communicate. 政治家必须善于表达。

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