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Advanced propulsion technology application, including tracing, evaluation, feasibility study and execution .

Advanced pneumatic system and buffering device. 先进的气路设计,工作平稳、无冲击、低噪音。
Advanced polymer matrix composites have been one of the mainly aeronautical structure materials. 摘要先进树脂基复合材料已经成爲重要航空结构材料之一。
Advanced production equipement and modern production technology was introduced which absorbing the technical and abroad.Advanced production and marketing concept were employed in order to be the leading enterprise with top level of management and produtio 集团属下企业引进国际先进生产设备与现代生产工艺,吸纳来自国内外专业技术人才,运用先进的生产、营销理念,目标是建成中国乃至世界同行业在规模、综合能力等方面均具高水平的领先企业。
Advanced productive forces have laid necessary material premise and foundation for all-round development of better-off society while the construction process has in return created opportunities for it. 摘要先进生产力为小康社会的全面发展提供了必要的物质前提与基础,全面建设小康社会的实践过程也为先进生产力的发展提供了机会。
Advanced properties include high resistance to heat and cold, non-flammability, superior adhesion, and machine-ability. 产品还包括有较高的抗热性和抗寒性、难燃性,良好的粘着力和易加工性。
Advanced propulsion technology application, including tracing, evaluation, feasibility study and execution . 先进驱动技术应用,包括追踪、评估、前期论证和应用实施。
Advanced purifying technology powerfully accelerates the whitening process, helping to prevent formation and spreading of dark pigmentation. It also protects from future discoloration and restores long-lasting clarity to the skin. 独特的全效美白净化效果,能淡化日晒及其他环境因素所引起的黑斑或色斑,同时预防色素形成,减缓新色斑的产生。
Advanced science and speculative industry have led to this state of affairs. 先进的科学和投机行业导致了这种状况的产生。
Advanced search operators 先进的搜索经营
Advanced search operators include: 先进的搜索操作包括:
Advanced study programs Advanced study programs offer specialized advanced study options for students with prior postsecondary education and experience. 研究院课程研究院课程主要为曾修读大学课程或有相当实际工作经验的人士而设。

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