The United States may want to use its Cold War history as a frame of reference, drawing useful lessons for its encounter with the rise of the next up-and-coming superpower.
美国也许会利用自己(胜利的)冷战经验,来为这个即将到来的新超级力量上一课。 |
The United States must maintain a powerful presence in the Pacific to guard against Chinese rashness, but avoid sabre-rattling or too obviously strengthening Taiwan.
美国既要在太平洋地区保有足够力量防治中国的轻率行为,又要不助长台湾的嚣张也不过于明显的加强台湾实力。 |
The United States of America has the sovereign authority to use force in assuring its own national security.
美国具有利用武力确保自己国家安全的至高无上的权利。 |
The United States of America is an enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the barbaric criminals who profane a great religion by committing murder in its name.
但是,塔利班拒绝答应上述任何要求,现在,该是他们为此付出代价的时候了。 |
The United States of America is determined to guard our homeland against future attacks.
美利坚合众国决心保护国土不再遭受袭击。 |
The United States of America is on the south of Canada.
美国北部与加拿大接壤(美国在加拿大的南端)。 |
The United States of America started a campaign of government performance measurement in the early 1990s, which was focused on the outcome and customer-orientation, management by objectives and budget relate to performance through measurement, etc.
摘要20世纪90年代初,美国掀起了政府绩效评估运动,强调结果和顾客导向,实行目标管理,通过评估实现绩效与预算挂钩等。 |
The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire Japan.
美利坚合众国突然遭到了日本蓄谋已久的海、空军的袭击。 |
The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons. (Applause.
美利坚合众国绝不容许世界上最危险的政权以最危险的武器威胁我们。 |
The United States plans photographer Nick on the 18th invited hundreds of volunteers, Switzerland stood naked on a glacier, photo purpose is to tell the world that global warming has led to glacier begins to melt.
美国摄影师图尼克十八日请来几百名志愿者,裸体站在瑞士一条冰川上合照,目的是要告诉世人,全球暖化已导致冰川开始融化。 |
The United States ranks first in taking anti-dumping cases against other countries, and is followed by Candan, India and the European Union.
美国是发起对外反倾销案最多的国家,其次是加拿大,印度和欧盟。 |