Those dressing distinct or high-grade fashions or wearing precious ornaments tend to attract the attention of pocket picker.
与众不同或者高档的着装、佩戴用品容易吸引盗贼! |
Those early signs included epilepsy, age of independent walking, age of meaningful speech, small head circumference, father's education, developmental quotients (DQ) of Early Intervention Developmental Profile and Chinese Child Development Profile (CCDI)
早期与智能有关之因素包括:癫痫、独立行走年龄、说有意义单字之年龄、头围小于3百分位数、父亲之教育程度、「早期介入发展量表」与「学龄前儿童发展量表」之各项发展商数及智能不足现象(包括注视手、过度好动、流口水、吃玩具、重覆无意义的固定动作行为)。 |
Those earthen pots are made by the skilled man.
那些陶壶是那个熟练工做的。 |
Those easy and quick transitions from ecstasy to despair.
还记得以前,情感可以在瞬间轻易地从狂喜转至绝望。 |
Those efforts suffered a severe blow in 1998-2002, when the region suffered financial turmoil and economic stagnation.
1998年至2002年期间,当该地区遭受了金融动荡和经济停滞时,这些努力严重受挫。 |
Those electric power construction projects that violate the provisions of Article 14 of this law by utilizing electric power equipment or technology declared obsolete by formal decree of the State, the administrative department of electric power shall ord
违反本法第十四条规定,电力建设项目使用国家明令淘汰的电力设备和技术的,由电力管理部门责令停止使用,没收国家明令淘汰的电力设备,并处五万元以下的罚款。 |
Those electrons with the highest energy begin to outrun the wake.
那些具有最高能量的电子就开始跑在波浪的前面。 |
Those emphases will include an additional focus of “alleviating hunger and improving the health and well-being of all who are deprived of these essential resources,” he said.
这些重点将包括附带著重于〝减轻饥饿与改善所有丧失重要资源的人们的健康和福利。 |
Those energies are expressed in accord with the meaning of the planets and aspects involved.
这些能量是透过与行星的意义跟牵涉的相位一致的方式表达出的。 |
Those engaged in general aviation operations for commercial purposes shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for general aviation operating licences, and register with the administrative department for industry and co
从事经营性通用航空的,应当向国务院民用航空主管部门申请领取通用航空经营许可证,并依法办理工商登记;未取得经营许可证的,工商行政管理部门不得办理工商登记。 |
Those enjoying his fall from grace — and there are many in Milan — would have scoffed that Shevchenko's selection was a sign of Mourinho playing his second string, but with an industrious performance, he has begun to prove his critics wrong.
那些从穆帅球队的暂时低迷中找乐子的人——他们大多来自米兰——曾嘲讽说,挑选舍甫琴柯将是穆里尼奥的一大败笔,但经过努力,舍瓦已然证明了那些批评者们错得多么离谱。 |