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But the usual critiques fail to recognize its potential for experiential learning.

But the underlying principle seems to be that language is incapable of conveying a fixed meaning or universal truth because the words chosen, and the point of view of the person choosing them, inevitably distort the reality that the language purports to r 但其基本原理似乎是,语言无法传达固定的意义或普遍的真理,因为所选用的词,以及选择这些词的人的观点,会不可避免地歪曲语言想表达的现实。
But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dreamworld; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general. 但是不够聪明的孩子更多的是局限在自己和自己的梦幻世界中,在他自己和大众生活之间似乎存在着一堵隔墙。
But the unrefracted brilliance of the sun, the humid heat, oppressed him. 阳光耀眼的直射,潮湿的闷热,都令他感到压抑。
But the uprising was later put down and 170 guerillas, including Guo, were killed in the prison on Labuan Island. 不久起义遭到镇压,郭益南等170人在纳闽狱中遭残杀。
But the upshot may be more than a drug that helps an Alzheimer's patient remember his name. 但最后的结局,可能远超一颗让阿兹海默症患者记住自己名字的药丸。
But the usual critiques fail to recognize its potential for experiential learning. 一般来说,这种经验通常不会被当成一个有潜力的经历。
But the value of stocks can change greatly in a short time. 但股票价值可以在短期内发生剧变。
But the vaporization of magnesium suggested an alternative method: we could seal a piece of magnesium and some powdered boron inside a tantalum vessel, which is inert, and subject them to a temperature high enough to melt but not to boil the magnesium (sa 不过,镁的汽化却也启发了另一种方法:我们可以将镁及一些粉状的硼密封在钽瓶中(钽为惰性元素),然后将它们加热至足够的温度(例如950℃),使得镁呈现熔化但尚未沸腾的状态。
But the vast majority of it is lost forever. 可是大部分的是永远遗失的。
But the vast majority of non-Mexicans arrested are from Brazil and Central America. 但绝大多数被捕的非墨西哥人多是来自中美和巴西。
But the vast majority of the matter in the universe may not emit photons of any wavelength. 但是宇宙中大多数的物质也许不会发射任何光子(无论其波长为何)。

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