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It's not for everyone,Vanden Biesen admitted, adding that for those who do chose to immortalize their loved ones in jewelry, the experience is extremely positive.

It's not a problem if you try to compete - there's no rule against it and good luck to them - but it stretches teams to the limit. 如果尝试去比赛进行挑战,那就不是个问题,他们不是一直都有好运气,并非不可战胜的,但是这需要大家一起去阻止他们前进。
It's not a problem, just keep flying!Harry shouted back, as two more Death Eaters emerged out of the darkness, drawing closer. “没关系,只管飞就是!”哈利大声回答。这时,又有两个食死徒从黑暗中冒出,向他们逼近。
It's not about winning one game, it's about winning the competition,Roberto Carlos said. We're on the road to our sixth title the team is on the right track. 这并不仅仅是赢得比赛,而是赢得竞争,卡落斯说,我们正行走在第六次夺冠的路上,球队从来没有偏离过这个轨道。
It's not easy finding friends in a small town,he adds. “在小镇上找到朋友不那么容易,”他又说。
It's not easy to find weaknesses in the Arsenal team - they are very balanced and they manage to keep the ball in their opponents' half,added Jesualdo Ferreira. 费雷拉接着说:“要找到阿森纳的弱点并不容易——他们攻守平衡,总是竭力把球控制在对方的半场。”
It's not for everyone,Vanden Biesen admitted, adding that for those who do chose to immortalize their loved ones in jewelry, the experience is extremely positive. “不是每个人都会这样做,”范登·比森说。他还补充说,对于那些确实想用钻石来纪念亲人的人,这种做法确实很不错。
It's not going to change anything. Steve will still be dead and is not coming back to us,Mace said. “这不能有任何改变。史蒂夫已死,再也不可能回到我们身边。”枚斯说。
It's not just a buzz about Kobe, it's a holler. That guy is incredible. That's why he's the best player in the league. 魔术后卫都灵说,这就是科比为什么是联盟最厉害的球员的原因。
It's not like the X Games, where you see people swoop in and walk out from under their parachutes,says Lt. 专门负责训练海军及海上空军的弹射专家贝特斯少校说:“那可不是X级游戏中的情节,以为人可一头扎入空中,到了地面就可没事似的从降落伞中走出来。
It's not mine, either,said Mr. Huang. I left my glasses in your car. 黄先生说:“我也运气不好。我把我的眼镜留在你的车内。
It's not mom and dad's ketchup,Teets said. If parents think it's a little strange, that's all the better for kids. 蒂滋还说:这不是为父母们准备的番茄酱。如果他们觉得颜色古怪的话,他们的孩子也许正是这些产品的忠实消费者。

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