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Check the state and local codes to insure that the backflow preventer is installed in compliance, such as the proper height above the ground.

Check the pump liner and pistons. 检查一下缸套和活塞。
Check the re-hardening filter and the desinfection unit. 检查矿化滤器及紫外线消毒装置。
Check the screw holes of two flanges in the pipeline for alignment with reserved clearance. 检查管路两法兰的螺丝孔的是否有对正及预留的间隙。
Check the shutter speed on the LCD panel. 检查液晶显示屏上快门速度。
Check the state and local codes to ensure that the backflow preventer is installed in compliance, such as the proper height above the ground. 查阅所在的州和当地有关的规定,确保所安装的防回流阀符合有关要求,如地面以上正确的高度。
Check the state and local codes to insure that the backflow preventer is installed in compliance, such as the proper height above the ground. 了解州和当地规程,确保防回流阀的安装符合有关要求,如地面以上适当的高度。
Check the state of the straw separated: If the straw is seriously broken, the cylinder and the concave must be adjusted to lessen excessive threshing; If the straw is complete and unbroken, the quantity of wind shall be increased to make the chaff on the 检查单个稻草的状况:如果稻草严重受损,必须调节滚筒和凹面以减小脱粒过猛;如果稻草完好无损,则必须增大风量使得谷筛表面的废渣飘浮起来,或者慢慢加大谷筛孔,使得谷物穿过谷筛。
Check the surgical experience of the surgeon you are considering, does he or she specialise in the procedure in which you are interested in? 查看你的主治医师关于你想做的手术方面的整容经验,他是专攻你想做的手术方面的专家吗?
Check the two equipments running whether normally, and the function of interrelated accessory whether normal. 检查这两个设备工作是否正常,相关附件的功用是否正常。
Check the wheel rim damaged. 检查轮缘有损伤。
Check this box if you have submitted this form truthfully, and you have every intention of making the required payment for the advertising. 检查这个箱子如果您真实地递交了这个形式,并且您有每个付必需的付款的意图为广告。

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