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Now I have one request to make of you. Do not refuse me.You may make it,she said.

Now I have finally realized where the unique ingenuity of this glass room is, it encourages us women to dare to show off our beauty from inside to out and take pride in being observed by other people. 现在,我终于体会到了这个玻璃房独具匠心之所在,它正是要号召我们女性敢于从内到外透明地展示自我的魅力,体验成为他人眼中一道风景线的自豪感。
Now I have finished the work. 现在我已完成工作了。
Now I have heard about you that a spirit of the gods is in you and that light and insight and surpassing wisdom are found in you. 14我听说你里头有神明的灵,并且有光,又有聪明和超越的智慧。
Now I have just taken the examination for China Aptitude Test for Intermediate Translators. If I can't pass it I will try again in November. 现在,我刚刚参加了中级英语笔译的考试。如果不能通过,我就会参加下半年的考试。
Now I have no dream anymore. 我现在已经没有梦了。
Now I have one request to make of you. Do not refuse me.You may make it,she said. 16现在我有一件事求你,望你不要推辞。拔示巴说,你说吧。
Now I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Franklin, Darwin and Mozart because they strikingly illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of which can scarcely be overestimated. 现在,我又一次重温了富兰克林、达尔文以及莫扎特开创事业的情况,因为这些情况显然阐明了一个心理方面的深刻道理,其意义无论怎样估计也不会过分。
Now I have two daughters, one who has a collection of bug catchers and magnifying glasses, and another that preens in front of a mirror half the time. 现在,我有两个女儿,一个喜欢收集捕捉虫子的器具和各种放大镜;另一个嘛,天天在镜子面前乔装打扮。
Now I have two red sweaters, I forget buying one. 我现在有两件毛衣了,我忘记曾经买过了一件。
Now I hear another siren but it's not the fire engine. 现在我听见另一鸣笛声,但那不是消防车.
Now I help people by being a risk manager thus minimising the probability that my bank might go belly-up due to risky trading behaviour. 现在我的职位是风险管理经理,帮助银行规避高风险的交易行为。

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