Taking the Songhua River pollutionon November 13, 2005 as a sample, this paper indicates the contents that Chinese industries of steel, thermal power, petrochemical and other high energy consumption or high-pollution projects should be disclosed in the fu
采用事件研究法,以2005年11月13日“松花江污染”事件爲案例,透视中国钢铁、火电、石化等高耗能、高污染项目特殊行业在未来应规範的环保信息披露内容。 |
Taking 1951~2000 monthly rainfall data in the Zhanjiang area as the time series and using the Gaussian radial base function and a delayed input window chosen at 6, a new intelligent forecast system is developed based on radio basic function neural network
摘要以湛江地区50年来的月降水量为时间序列,利用高斯径向基函数,选择输入窗口(时滞)大小为6,建立了一种智能型的径向基函数神经网络预测系统,并分别对1991~2000年和2001~2003年的月降水量进行了测试预报和独立样本预测。 |
Taking 2050 mill hot strip continuous rolling process as an object, a coupling thermal, mechanical and microstructural simulation model on hot continuous rolling was built by using nonlinear rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM).
结合某厂2050热带钢连轧工艺过程,利用非线性刚塑性有限元法,建立热连轧过程热、力、组织的多参量耦合仿真模型。 |
Taking Beijing metro line 4 as an example, this paper discusses three important questions in view of system design and operation management, that is, how to select heating ventilation and air conditioning system and its parameters, how to choose the type
摘要以北京地铁4号线工程为例,对通风空调系统的选配与参数确定、兼用设备的选型及节能运行、火灾发生后如何有效地控制烟气并避免产生负效应的三个关键问题进行探索,旨在为系统设计、运行管理提供有益的启示。 |
Taking Chengdu University of Technology as a case, according to the constitution principle of course construction, CDUT set down the three rank plan including regular course, excellent course and extractive course, definite the structure and grades of eva
以成都理工大学为例,该校依据课程建设评价指标体系建立的原则,制定了合格课程、优质课程、精品课程三级课程建设规划,确立了评价指标体系的结构和分值分配,建立了课程等级划分和课程建设评价的方法,为一般本科院校的课程建设评价提供了借鉴。 |
Taking Chinese characters yang and pa for example, the ideal ancient word data should state clearly its original meaning of each word.
以“样”和“怕”为例,理想的古文字字库应载明字库中各字的本字本义,且应揭示古今用字之异与其所表词义及假借义的演变。 |
Taking Chinese only feed industrial Futures-Soybean Meal Futures in Dalian Commodity Exchange as examples, this article examines the dynamic relationship between the prices of spot and futures, and discloses the role of futures market plays in price disco
摘要本文借助向量自回归模型、协整检验、误差修正模型、方差分解、脉冲响应函数等方法,以中国唯一的饲料工业期货―大连商品交易所豆粕期货品种为例,研究了期货价格与现货价格之问的动态关系,定量刻画了期货市场在价格发现中的作用。 |
Taking Dongzhimen Station on Beijing Metro Line 13 as an example, authors of the paper adopt CFD three dimensional simulation and one dimensional network simulation respectively to make a predictive analysis on the smoke distribution and air flow during a
摘要以北京地铁13号线东直门站为例,结合车站公共区与区间隧道的防排烟系统设置情况,分别采用CFD三维模拟与一维网络模拟的方法,对火灾时烟气的分布及气流流动善进行预测分析,说明防排烟系统的可靠性对于保证火灾情况下的安全疏散能力至关重要。 |
Taking EVA as polymers, the conductivity of polymers filled with different grade of conductive carbon car-bon blacks was studied, and the dispersity of different grade and content of conductive carbon black and the effect of the conductive carbon black on
摘要以EVA爲高分子聚合物,采用不同级别的导电炭黑,研究了导电炭黑填充高分子聚合物的导电性,讨论了不同级别和不同用量的导电炭黑在聚合物的分散性,以及对高分子聚合物导电性的影响。 |
Taking Guandong ** Co., Ltd as an example, the paper summarizes the main reasons for brain drain of enterprises and advances the solving measures through relevant analysis.
本文以广东**实业有限公司为例,通过分析企业人才流失的现象,总结出导致企业人才流失问题的几个主要原因,并提出解决策略。 |
Taking Guangzhou industrial enterprises as examples, how to control the emission of sulfur dioxide was discussed.
文章以广州市工业企业为例,调查现有各种脱硫技术的脱硫效率,提出二氧化硫排放控制存在问题,探讨相关的对策。 |