LL: For me, there is nothing better than chugging a glass of milk right after eating a plate of my mom's chocolate chip cookies.
瞧把你给谗得!吃完巧克力饼干,你要再喝一大杯牛奶,听起来是真过瘾。 |
LL: He just wiped out. It happens all the time.
那是什么意思呀?他这就被冲掉啦? |
LL: He's a really nice guy. Look, he gave me an autograph.
李连杰还给你亲笔签名!你真幸运。 |
LL: Hey, I'm not that messy! I like to keep my digs nice.
对,你不算太乱,但是也不见得是那种非常整洁干净的人。 |
LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you hear that? The president of that corporation finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.
什么什么?我刚才没注意听,你说那个公司总裁怎么啦?他来上班的时候干干净净?这和偷几百万美元有什么关系呀? |
LL: Hmm...well, in the U.S. you wouldn't ask for a doggie bag at a really nice restaurant, or on a formal occasion.
所以说,在高级饭店和正式场合一般不打包,但除此之外,打包就很正常了。 |
LL: Hold on, that funky little fish is pretty expensive. Why don't we get a cheap little goldfish instead?
小的金鱼是便宜点,可是颜色就没有这么特别了啊! |
LL: I am having him reorganize the office files, make new labels for the file folders, filling out forms and typing up letters.
你还真让他干不少活耶!整理办公室的文件,并把它们存档,还要为文件夹贴新的标签、填表格、打信件。这些事的确是既费事又枯燥的。这位实习生该不会在意吧? |
LL: I am not quite the eager beaver that the new intern is - I've been in the office a while.
没错,一般新到一个地方工作的人会特别热情积极,因为他们要让老板有个好印象。 |
LL: I didn't realize that exams turned you into such a basket case. Why do you worry so much when you always get good grades?
嗯,现在我只有在考试的时候才会紧张。每学期总是有一个礼拜,我会紧张得睡不着,吃不下。 |
LL: I don't have any preferences. Whatever floats your boat is fine with me.
真的吗?由我来决定去哪儿吃饭啊? |