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Competition is not much of a factor, unless you count beating the army or air force for tax dollars.

Competition inspired her to work harder. 竞争激励了她更努力工作。
Competition is another factor that allows a market economy to operate effectively. 竞争是市场经济有效运转的另一因素。
Competition is driving the major hotel brands to spruce up. 同业的竞争促使主要的品牌旅馆翻新门面。
Competition is found everywhere because it is human inborn nature to long for the better. 到处都能发现竞争,因为渴望更好是人的天性.
Competition is less over there! 那里竞争更少!
Competition is not much of a factor, unless you count beating the army or air force for tax dollars. 竞争并非是太关键的因素,除非你为了增加税收而攻击敌军。
Competition is the catalyst for social development and an impetus to mankind civilization. “竞争是社会发展的催化剂”,它是促进人类文明的动力。
Competition major subordinate command of the team members to eliminate personal heroism. 重大比赛本队队员要服从指挥,杜绝个人英雄主义。
Competition makes progress. 竞争使人进步。
Competition often saves a company from dissolving by uniting the employees. 竞争也能经常成为促进公司团结的有效筹码。
Competition was so fierce for new listings that they had trouble getting a glimpse of them, let alone being allocated shares. 对于新上市公司的竞争过于激烈以致于他们都无缘这些公司,更不要提分一杯羹了。

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