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Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made.

Before they were replaced by steamships,sailing vessels like Cutty sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia. 大帆船被轮船代替之前,象卡蒂萨克号这样的大帆船是用来从中国载运茶叶,从澳大利亚载运羊毛的。
Before they'd been relayed back from row to row, spectator to spectator; until worn out, secondhand, the size of a postage stamp, it returned to the projectionist's cabin. 在它们被一排排传递下去,一个观众到一个观众,直到变旧,二手的,一张邮寄的邮票的尺寸,它变成了电影放映员的小屋。
Before they’re forever banned? 才会被永远禁缚?
Before this incident, my grandma and her older generations understood a principle: chicks and ducklings always recognize the first moving body they see when they come into the world as their mother, and this first perception could hardly be changed. 在此之前,奶奶及奶奶的前辈们就明白一个理:小鸡小鸭总是把它出生后看到的第一个在眼前晃动的物体当作妈妈,而且以后很难改变。
Before this media event, news also surfaced about the troubles the film was supposedly facing: delays caused by bad weather, a busted budget, Lee's unhappiness over inexperienced actor Wang. 早在此次媒体见面会之前,就有新闻预测了电影拍摄期间可能会遇到的麻烦:比如恶劣天气影响拍摄进度.超额的预算以及李安对表演经验不足的王力宏可能会产生不满情绪。
Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made. 这个剧目播出前必须经过数次剪辑。
Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne t 从这座丑陋的大房子门前,一直到轧着车辙的街道,有一片草地,上面过于繁茂地簇生着牛蒡、茨藜、毒莠等等这类不堪入目的杂草,这些杂草显然在这块土地上找到了共通的东西,因为正是在这块土地上早早便诞生了文明社会的那栋黑花——监狱。
Before this war, Hizbullah was in control of Israel's border with Lebanon, and could provoke a clash at any time. 在战争之前,真主党就控制了黎以边界,并能在任何时间挑起冲突。
Before this, it was North Korea\'s third-largest trading partner. 在此之前,日本是朝鲜的第三大贸易伙伴。
Before turning to those moral and mental aspects of the matter which present the greatest difficulties, let the inquirer begin by mastering more elementary problems. 初学的人,在着手研究极其困难的有关事物的精神和心理方面的问题以前,不妨先从掌握较浅显的问题入手。
Before us there are great tasks as: conquest of depletion, depletion of the whole planet, peaceful exploitation of nuclear energy and so on. 在我们面前摆着巨大的任务:征服沙漠、全球消除污染、和平开发核能等等。

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