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1 Estimating parameters is easier than dealing with real life.

1 Employee who arrive legal marrying age can enjoy 3 days' marring leave ; employee who arrive late marriage condition (male employee 25, female 23), can enjoy 15 days' late marriage leave (including holiday and public holiday) ; Remarried employee can en 员工达到法定婚龄结婚时,可享受三天婚假;符合晚婚条件(男员工年满25周岁,女员工年满23周岁)的员工,可享受十五天晚婚假(含节假日和公休日);再婚的员工,可享受三天婚假。
1 Employee who goes to see the doctor at working hour because of the sick or not-industrial injury, can ask sick leave. 员工因病或非因公负伤需在工作时间就诊,可以申请病假。
1 Employee who has been bodily hurt or has other accident be verify as the industrial injury during working procedure,after the certificate of diagnosis of hospital,can take the industrial injury leave. 员工在工作过程中发生人身伤害等被有关部门确认为工伤的,经医院诊断证明,可休工伤假。
1 End panels and back are formed of one-piece, wraparound design to minimize welding joints. 前板和后背板为一片成形式环绕设计。
1 English was taught by Miss Lin. 以前英文由林老师授课。
1 Estimating parameters is easier than dealing with real life. 和数据打交道远比和现实生活打交道更容易些.
1 Even today, one can see Andean communities maintaining use rights simultaneously to pastureland above 12,000 feet, to potato fields in basins over 9,000 feet, and to plots of warm-land crops in regins below 6,000feet. 即使今天,人们还是可以看到安第斯团体保持同步的使用权力在12000英尺以上是牧场,在9000尺以上的盆地是土豆,在6000尺以下是小块地的温带作物.
1 Ever since it was announced that a nondoctor, in fact an actor, had been invited to give the commencement address at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the country, people have been wondering─why get someone who only pretends to be a doctor 1自从宣布一个非医师,事实上只是一个演员,受邀到国内最富声望的医学院之一向毕业生致辞以来,很多人一直觉得很奇怪──你们能请到正牌医师,为什麽要请一个只是假扮医师的人来演说呢?
1 Excuse me,how many flights will fly to BEIJING a day? 对不起,请问到北京航班一天几班?
1 Existing Cardmembers who have enrolled in the Basic Program and would like to upgrade to the Membership RewardsTM Turbo program, American Express will charge a HK$240 annual program fee and an Upgrade Fee of HK$150 for transferring all existing accrued 1如已加入基本积分计划,的会员选择参加美国运通「加倍加赏」积分计划,,本公司会将阁下现有所累积的积分转至「加倍加赏」积分计划,并将收取港币240元之积分计划年费及港币150元之转换费用。
1 Expiry date is clearly indicated and checked on material package of each lot. 对每批来料包装上之有效日期均清楚标示及作检查.

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