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His Honor Shen was famous for his generosity.

His God instructs him and teaches him the right way. 26因为他的神教导他务农相宜,并且指教他。
His Highness Prince Charles will attend the meeting. 查尔斯亲王殿下将出席本次会议。
His Holiness Pope John Paul II was welcomed by the crowd. 尊敬的保罗教皇陛下受到人群的欢迎。
His Holiness: War plants the seeds of hatred and revenge. 法王开示:战争散播了憎恨与复仇的种子。
His Hollywood movies include Anna and the Kingand Bulletproof Monk. 他在好莱坞拍摄的电影包括安娜与国王和防弹武僧。
His Honor Shen was famous for his generosity. 我们可敬的沈先生是出了名的慷慨。
His Mom made some groovy art. 他妈妈创作了一些很有品位的艺术品.
His No2 Carlos Queiroz recently spoke of Van Nistelrooy being an integral part of the team in the short, medium and long termbut Ferguson does not allude to anything beyond the end of this season. 2号人物卡洛斯-奎洛兹最近说范尼“一直是”整体不可或缺的一部分,但是在弗格森眼里没有什么比赛季结果更重要的。
His Project Of Side A Of Beijing Wanliu University Apartment Building Got Beijing Structural Great Wall Cup. 其中北京万柳大学生公寓A座获得北京市结构长城杯。
His Royal Highness is the crown prince of Dubai and the defence minister of the United Arab Emirates. 参加会见的是阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的皇储以及他的保镖。
His Sanqu works in the transitional period between the Yuan and Ming Dynasty are quite new and innovative, reflecting the changing times. 他在改朝换代之际的感慨兴亡和入明后的颂圣美新之作爲散曲文学增添了新的内容。

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