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The technical post certificate which issued by Lamba is an international general certificate on technical grade.Lamba's training system will take charge of NAPA store's whole training.

The technical development, the economical globalization speed speeds up, the knowledge economy was thorough and so on to cause the business management pattern to have the drastic change. 科技的发展、经济全球化的速度加快,知识经济的深入等使企业管理模式发生了剧变。
The technical facilities selected by the Luojing relocation project of Pudong steel, Bsosteel group for building a new type steel works with environmental protection, energy-saving and recycling economy are introduced. 摘要介绍了宝钢集团浦钢搬迁罗泾工程为建设绿色环保、节能、循环利用资源的新型钢铁厂而采用的技术装备。
The technical force of this enterprise is powerful, as it is currently hiring 17 technicians and has introduced 15 foreign automatic lathes, 10 numerical-controlled lathes, and 120 gauged lathes. 技术力量雄厚,现有科技人员17人,引进国外全自动车床15台、数控车床10台、仪表车床120台。
The technical had to recreate a new formation, and more than once he changed the team. Totally winning choices. 这促使他们必须采用新的打法,改变球队场上配至,这同样带来了完美胜利。
The technical parameter of inner ballast as compared to Philips and Yaming, we strongly suggest the users confesting the illuminant of Philips and Yaming. 内装镇流器技术参数同飞利浦、亚明,强烈建议用户配置飞利浦、亚明光源。
The technical post certificate which issued by Lamba is an international general certificate on technical grade.Lamba's training system will take charge of NAPA store's whole training. 由蓝霸颁发的技术岗位证书将同时得到国际认可,是一本国际通用的技术等级证书。蓝霸培训体系负责加盟店全程培训。
The technical problems are clarified and the corresponding solutions are given. (1) Because there are several supervisors for remote viewing, the contradiction between safe operation and monitoring control can be avoided by installing the indispensable ma 文中阐述了主要的技术问题和相应的解决方案:主站将出现多个遥视控制点,设置必要的主控和分控可以避免安全操作和监视控制上出现的矛盾;变电站工况信息和视频信息协调显示的一种较好的方法是同屏演示;主站在数据处理和存储、通信网络等方面也将相应变化。
The technical program will cover a broad spectrum of topics including avionics, environment, flight sciences, man-machine interface, manufacturing, materials/structures, propulsion, safety, and systems. 这个技术项目将会涵盖一系列比较广泛的议题,包括:航空电子设备,环境,飞行科学,人机界面,制造业,材料/结构,推进系统,安全设备和系统。
The technical properties of sidewalk encounters between particular black street men and middle-class white female residents of Greenwich Village are compared with interactions expected from studies of other conversation situations. 将两种互动作一比较,一个是发生在特定的黑人贫民窟居民和格林威治镇的白人中产阶级女性居民之间的互动的技术介质,另一个是从对其它的交谈情形的研究中期望获得的互动情况。
The technical recoverable reserve of developed ultra heavy oil reservoir is obtained by using iterative method and mathematical model. 采用迭代法,通过数学推导,得到已开发超稠油油藏的技术可采储量。
The technical requirements of cleaning air conditioning system for satellite are expatiated, and a feasible design scheme adopting second return air and fuzzy-PID control technology is brought out. 摘要根据卫星垂直运输车空调系统所要达到的技术要求,采用二次回风和模糊-PID控制技术提出了一套可行性设计方案。

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