The author selected “Wang Zhen in Powerfrom Mingshi Jishi Benmo, and obtained some discoveries and results through making a textual criticism of it in five categories: historicity, issue, resource of material, historical discussion, and proofreading.
本文择其中《王振用事》一卷,以本事、公案、史源、史论、校订等五个范畴,试为校读,不意有一些发现与收获。 |
The author should be the last man to talk about his work.
作者应该是最不喜欢谈论自己作品的人。 |
The author shows how the assessment facilitates the understanding of the boy's internal conflict and the set up of psychotherapy plan.
笔者藉由分析游戏和治疗情境中的移情与反移情,了解小男孩如何被他内在的摧毁力所惊吓与困惑。 |
The author shows some methods which could overcome the stagnant periodin a certain extent, such as increasing load quantities gradually, performing correct action techniques, idiodynamics, having rest actively, having reasonable diets and so on.
通过采用逐步加大负荷量,正确的动作技术,意念控制,积极休息,合理的饮食等方法,在一定程度上可以克服健美训练中的“滞缓期”现象。 |
The author sorts through the new understanding of traditional labor value theory in the theoretical circle and holds that the labor value theory of Marx does not contradict the participation of production factor in value distribution.
笔者梳理了理论界对传统劳动价值一元论的新认识,认为马克思劳动价值论与生产要素参与价值分配并不矛盾。 |
The author speculates as to whether there could have been an Italian version of the Nuremberg trials, and what difference it might have made.
作者思索,当初是否有可能上演一场意大利版的纽伦堡审判,而且结果会有什么不同。 |
The author stressed that one country should combine the conclusion of trade shortage or trade overage based on the gravity model with the comparative advantage and channels of export income to better guide China's RTA strategy.
我国参与区域贸易安排的战略选择上,还需要将引力模型得出的贸易不足和贸易过度的结论,与出口比较优势和出口收益传导机制有机结合起来。 |
The author studied the sports tourism experience of mass groups in China with different gender, age and occupation, and revealed the following findings: There is a certain difference in sports tourism participation between mass groups with different socia
摘要对我国不同性别、年龄、职业等群体的体育旅游经历进行了研究,结果发现:不同社会特征群体参与体育旅游的情况有差异,其中参加体育旅游男性比女性相对较多;随着年龄的增长参与体育旅游的人数呈递减趋势;而随着学历的提高参与体育旅游的人数增多;在所有职业人群中参与人群比例最高的是在国家机关、党群组织、企业、事业单位工作人员,而参与体育旅游比较少的是农民和待业人员;居住在市区、城镇、农村的人群参与体育旅游的人数也呈递减趋势;随着收入水平的提高参与体育旅游的人数越来越多。 |
The author studies the implementation of this measure in the Western Regions by the Western Han and the generalization of Han-style name by the Eastern Han, discusses the adoption method of Han-style name in the Western Regions and explores the spreading
认为王莽于西汉元始二年(2年)操作实施的“去二名”改制措施,是导致以后西域人改用汉式名字的直接原因;论证和复原了西汉曾经在西域实施过“去二名”措施以及东汉继续在西域推行汉式名字的史实;讨论了有关西域有关人采用汉式名字或姓名的模式问题;探讨了来源于汉地的姓氏观念在西域的植入和生根的轨迹。 |
The author suggested that we should increase the outputof high level Sanda coaches and advanced techniques, so as to strengthen the training of oversea players for their capability of complementation between kick, hit and wrestle techniques, and to boost
提出应加大高水平散打教练员和先进技术的“输出”,进一步加强国外运动员踢、打、摔技术之间的互补能力训练,促进女子散打运动整体水平迅速提高。 |
The author suggests several measures to improve the staff's recessive quality.
对就如何提高员工的隐性素质进行了探讨。 |