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C: Hey! See that? That dolphins are driving the shark off! But why did they do so?

C: Have some champagne and Belgian chocolates. (乘务员)要来点香槟和比利时巧克力吗?
C: Have you gathered anything useful? (你查到些特别有用的吗?)
C: Hello, Charley. Philip's often mentioned you. I'm glad to meet you at last. 你好,查理。菲利浦经常提到你,很高兴终于见到你了。
C: Hello, Robert Wagner speaking. 喂,我是罗伯特*瓦格纳。
C: Hello, yes. I'm interested in information on Mexico, especially Yucatan, and Guatemala. Do you do trips there? 你好,是的,我对墨西哥,尤其是尤卡坦半岛和危地马拉有兴趣。你们有去那里的旅游线路吗?
C: Hey! See that? That dolphins are driving the shark off! But why did they do so? 克鲁德:嘿!你们看那!海豚把鲨鱼给打跑了。可是海豚为什么要救我们呢?
C: Hey, are you crazy? 克鲁德:嘿,你们疯啦?
C: Hiya, Rog. Frank, you all set? 嗨,你好,罗格。佛兰克,你都搞定了吗?
C: How about the car-park space? 停车位呢?
C: How about the internal decoration? 内部装修如何?
C: How about the management? 管理费多少呢?

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