Reference:I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.
我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯! |
References 1, 2, and 10 give discussion of the extensions to classical one-dimensional gas dynamics that we will discuss.
参考文献1、2和10对其后我们将讨论的经典一维空气动力学的扩展作了讨论。 |
References 5 and 6 give very readable introductory discussions.
参考文献5和6给出了十分易读的介绍性讨论。 |
References like this one are not isolated; but battles, using a fantastic array of weapons and aerial vehicles are common in all the epic Indian books.
像这样的参考资料不是仅有的;只是战争,使用稀奇古怪武器军队和航天工具在所有的印度史诗书籍中是共同的。 |
References to Dowor the Companymean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted.
如无特别指出,“陶氏”和“公司”都是指陶氏化学公司和其子公司。 |
References to H.H.'s crime may be looked up by the inquisitive in the daily papers for September-October 1952; its cause and purpose would have continued to come under my reading lamp.
关于“亨?亨”的犯罪,相关材料可以在1952年九月到十月的日报中查询到,而此事真正的起因和目的,则会由我亲自在书桌前审阅了。 |
References to pain occur throughout the poem.
诗中字里行间流露出痛苦之情. |
References: the first bank, ltd, Tokyo, and the national bank, New York.
信誉咨询:东京第一银行和纽约国民银行。 |
证明人? |
Referencing between the Genetic Soil Classification of China (GSCC) and the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CST) for GSCC-High-Mountain-Soils was conducted and their quantitative and spatial distribution characteristics within CST were studied, based on the 1:1M S
摘要本文利用最新建立的1:100万中国土壤数据库,研究了我国发生分类高山土与中国土壤系统分类的参比及其在系统分类下的空间分布和数量特徵。 |
Referendum supporters argue that a child's right to have a father should supersede a woman's right to have a child.
支持进行选民公决的人声称孩子要父亲的权利应该高于妇女生孩子的权利。 |