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Logical, don't you think? 合乎逻辑,你觉得呢?
Logically , calls for a New World Order sound valid , and I whole-heartedly agree with some points , but the absurdity arises when considering that the world's 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy . 从逻辑而言,要求形成新的世界秩序听似正确,而且我真心实意地同意一些观点,但是,考虑到世界上二百余个国家在发展和外交上有不同的议事日程,这种要求就显得荒谬了。
Logically, however, this young talent could emerge as easily in the satellite sector as it could in the “ordinary” sector. 然而,从逻辑上来讲,这类年轻人才在“一般”部门容易出头,在卫视部门也同样容易。
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Logistic industry experience not essential, we will provide related training for the new employees. 无需物流行业相关经验,公司将提供完善的入职培训。
Logistic industry plays an increasingly important role in promoting the economic development of Wenzhou. 摘要物流业对温州经济发展的促进作用日益显现。
Logistic regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses in a sample of 84 Taiwan-based biotechnology ventures. 本研究以84笔台湾生技事业样本,以逻辑式回归分析检视研究假设。
Logistics Clerk Answers customer enquiries. Prepares shipping documents and arrange pick up and delivery of goods. 物流文员协助物流主任执行职责,包括安排货物及文件交收、顾客查询。

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