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Assist to HR affair and statistics of casual worker workhours.

Assist the juveniles shake off the bewilderness through psycho-adjustment and improving environment, better their human coordination ability, amend their personality and self, then finally tone up their society-adapting ability. 通过心理调整与环境改善,协助未成年人解决困扰的问题,改善其人际协调能力,完善其人格与自我,从而增强其适应社会的能力.
Assist the leader in technical support and/or team management. 协助负责人提供技术支持或员工管理支持。
Assist the management of the modeling standby parts, and give related technical support. 协助模具备件的管理,并提供相关的技术支持。
Assist the manufature dept to identify the hazard of working are and each working procedure and ergonomic assessment, make sure potential professional disease and hazard was evaluated and controlled. 协助生产部确认每个工作场所、工作程序中潜在危险/人体工程,确保潜在的职业病及风险有效评估及控制住。
Assist the product manager explore our market, popularize new products. 协助产品经理开展市场引导、新产品营销策划、推广促销等工作.
Assist to HR affair and statistics of casual worker workhours. 协助进行工厂内简单的人事工作,每月末统计外来工时。
Assist to assure that quality, environmental system and procedures that meet the requirements of the standards (TS16949, ISO14001) are maintained and effectively used. 协助经理确保本部门所有程序的建立执行都符合TS16949,ISO14001的要求。
Assist to coordinate assessment for applicants. 协助协调申请人条件评估.
Assist to establish &update the information in the stock list for customers. 协助建立并更新客户存库清单中的信息。
Assist to fulfill annual statutory audit, annual inspection. 协调完成公司年度审计以及年检工作。
Assist to manage and maintain the information facilities, including Desk PC, laptop Computer, printer etc. 协助管理和维护公司的电脑信息设施,包括电脑台式机,笔记本电脑,打印机等。

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