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Comfortably installed in his seat, the goblin pilots the six feet of this monster made of wood and steel.

Comfortable environment, first class services, professional therapists, reasonable price! Relx and lie back to enjoy massage and let stresses of everyday life drift away! 专业的按摩师,优雅舒适的环境,星级的服务,合理的价格,定能令您轻轻松松,疲劳尽消,身心舒畅!
Comfortable handle, streamlined products model ,and can use massage stick easily . 舒适的把手,流线型的产品造型,能轻松使用按摩棒.
Comfortable in a fast-paced, multi-tasked, high-pressure, and high-energy environment. 适应快节奏,多重任务,压力大的工作环境,具有良好的体力。
Comfortable nose clip is lightweight and waterproof. Flexible plastic construction and rubber neckband ensure a secure custom fit. 轻巧舒适的鼻夹使用起来非常方便。橡胶质地。
Comfortably equipped low-rise accommodations are set around extensive tropical gardens and a superb free form swimming pool, backed by rolling hills that enhance the peaceful ambiance of this picturesque spot. 酒店客房座落在广阔的热带花园中﹐拥有一流的游泳池﹐背靠起伏的小山﹐风景如画﹐环境优美宁静。
Comfortably installed in his seat, the goblin pilots the six feet of this monster made of wood and steel. 舒适的安置在它的位置,小丑领航这以木材和钢制成的六角怪物怪物。
Comfortingly, regulators who scrutinise the banks' risk-weighted capital say it is stronger than ever. 令人鼓舞的是,对银行的风险加权资本进行审查的监管机构声称它比过去强大不少。
Comic-book fans know well that the most sought after editions are those in which a superhero appears for the first time. 漫画迷都很清楚,最受欢迎的漫画本是超级英雄首度面世的那本。
Comical for a bit.. sure...but ultimately wanting. 虽然有点滑稽,但是确实我所需要的。
Comically, Greenpeace is now considering a plan to promote its e-waste campaign via podcasting—a technology that Apple helped to popularise. 可笑的是,绿色和平组织现在正考虑使用苹果公司所推广的播客技术来推进其(控制)电子垃圾的宣传活动。
Comics are hugh in Korea, but compared to Japan, there's much stricter censorship and a Christian-influenced morality in the media. 漫画在韩国,跟日本不同,韩国有非常严格的审查,以及宗教道德也深深影响着媒体出版物。

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