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Many people find this sort of joke distasteful. The following example of sick humour will enable you to judge for yourself.

Many people feel that black Labs are better hunters, yellow dogs are lazier, and chocolate dogs are hardheaded and stubborn. 不少人认为黑拉拉更可能成为好猎手,黄拉拉比较懒,巧拉拉头脑冷静而性格坚定。
Many people feel there is something evil waiting for them, or a nasty spirit trying to stop them projecting. 许多人觉得,有邪恶的东西在等着他们,或是一个恶灵在试图阻止他们投射。
Many people felt that beheading a person in the guillotine was merciful because of the quickness of death. 许多人认为使用断头台来处决一个人,这是很仁慈的,因为这样会让人死得更快一些。
Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain climbing alone. 很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。
Many people find these chunky, lumbering animals to be cute, but giant pandas can be as dangerous as any other bear. 许多人觉得这是些又矮又胖,又可爱又会爬树的动物,但是象任何另外的熊一样大熊猫同样面临着危险。
Many people find this sort of joke distasteful. The following example of sick humour will enable you to judge for yourself. 许多人认为这种笑话是低级庸俗的。下面是个“病态幽默”的实例,你可据此自己作出判断。
Many people from Arab countries have cro ed by land into Syria on the way to their re ective countries. 很多阿拉伯国家的人通过陆路进入叙利亚,前往各自的国家。
Many people from Arab countries have crossed by land into Syria on the way to their respective countries. 很多阿拉伯国家的人通过陆路进入叙利亚,前往各自的国家。
Many people gave up on the tenth day. 很多人在第十天时放弃了。
Many people genuinely do not want to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings. 许多人真心实意地不想当圣徒,但那些当成了或向往当圣徒的人大概对当人类没怎么动过心。
Many people get away from the wrecked ship on a raft. 许多人乘救生艇离开遇难的船。

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