When the three of them are together, conspiring or trying to decide what to do as events go from bad to worse, the dialogue is snappy; each of them brings his or her own point of view to the proceedings.
随着事情越来越糟,他们三个一起策划,在试图作出决定时,他们的对话巧妙鲜活;每个人都给出自己对于情势的看法。 |
When the tiger kills, the jackal profits.
老虎捕杀猎物时,帮凶走狗也获利。 |
When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.
27他玛将要生产,不料她腹里是一对双生。 |
When the time comes for the pupils to leave school, they are fully prepared to enter society as well-adjusted adults.
男女同校的学生毕业后,他们已是调整到位的成年人,为进入社会做好了一切准备。 |
When the time comes that the barrister is getting more work than he can comfortably deal with and fees have reached a ceiling, he will have to consider whether he will “take silk”.
当律师的业务量达到应接不暇,收费达到最高限度时,该律师就得考虑是否要争取成为王室律师。 |
When the time comes to drop its weapons, the wings could sweep back and telescope down to a shorter length, preparing the craft for a fast attack run.
投弹时间一到,将机翼长度缩短并向后收起,方便飞机进行快速攻击。 |
When the time for Catherine's confinement approached, she and Henry went to Lausanne to be near a hospital.
凯瑟琳分娩的日子快到了,她和亨利为了靠近医院,于是搬到洛桑去。 |
When the time is right, flesh and bone rapidly warp the child into a hulking, bipedal, nine-foot monster.
时机一到,肌肉和骨骼就开始扭曲,把一个孩子变成一个九尺高的可怖怪物。 |
When the time limit of the preference policies constituted by our country and our province is over, we will support all the items which are put into the support field by the government with fund in the form of finance payment, the abetting scope; the firs
执行国家和省出台的优惠政策期限结束后,凡列入政府扶持范围的,通过财政支出渠道安排资金,给予支持,其支持额度为:前3年按不低于企业缴纳的属县级收入的企业所得税(嫁接、改造、租赁、联合、兼并、参股、收购、重组现有企业的,按新增企业所得税计算,下同)的50%,其中:高新技术企业不低于60%;后4年不低于缴纳的属县级收入的企业所得税的25%,其中高新技术企业不低于30%。 |
When the time limit to remise or lease out comes, the users have the priority to continue renting.
租赁土地期满后,使用者可优先续租或受让。 |
When the time of our meeting drew nigh, Ralph called on me first, and let me know his piece was ready.
当我们的聚会将近时,劳夫先来看我,告诉我他的诗已经作好了,我告诉他很忙,并没有丝毫诗兴,一点也没有写。 |