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The police defused a time bomb in the building.

The police cracked the case in one week. 该案警察在一周内就侦破了。
The police crept up from behind and took the gangster by surprise. 警察悄悄从背后绕过去,出其不意地将歹徒逮捕。
The police cross-question him for two hours,then let him go. 警察盘问了他两小时,才放他走。
The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
The police decided to inquire into the events leading up to the accident. 警方决定对这起事故的肇事原因进行调查。
The police defused a time bomb in the building. 警察在那幢大楼里拆除了一枚定时炸弹。
The police delivered their final report to Justice Minister Jose Gregori on Monday aiming to explain how Trevi became pregnant. 警方于星期一向巴西司法部长乔斯·格雷哥里递交了他们所作的最后报告,以解释特列维是怎样怀孕的。
The police descended on their hide-out. 警察突袭了他们的藏身处.
The police detained several suspects for questioning. The disruptive students were detained after school until their parents had been notified. 警察拘留了许多疑犯进行审问,捣乱的学生在放学后被拘禁了,直到通知他们的家长
The police detained the man to make further inquiries. 警察拘留了那个人以作进一步的审问。
The police detected the identity of the murderer. 警察查明了凶手的身份。

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