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A 50-mile stretch of the river carrying the benzene reached Harbin this morning, Shi Zhongxin, director of the city's water bureau, said on state television, according to the Associated Press.

A 49-year-old female presented with cough and intermittent breathlessness for one week. 摘要一位49岁的女性病患主诉咳嗽、呼吸困难,持续约一周左右。
A 5-year survival rate is 100%in 22 cases followed up for full five years among 141 cases with endoscopic mucosectomy. 术后随诊24年,随诊率95%,结果发现5年生存率为84.1%,10年生存率为72.9%。
A 5-year-old girl sustained a blunt injury on left upper eyelid and thereafter a small nodule was developed over the lesion site. 摘要壹5岁女孩之左上眼睑于一年前受到撞击伤,而后在该处形成壹小结节,且在一年中逐渐变大。
A 50% health shaman is a dead shaman. 一个50%血的萨满就是一个死了的萨满。
A 50-homer-a-year hitter in Japan, Matsui has only hit 81 since he's been with the Yankees. 在日本他平均每年有50发全垒打,来到洋基后四年多却只累积了81发。
A 50-mile stretch of the river carrying the benzene reached Harbin this morning, Shi Zhongxin, director of the city's water bureau, said on state television, according to the Associated Press. 今天早晨50英里长的一段遭受苯污染的河流到达哈尔滨,根据合众社的报道,石忠信(音译),哈尔滨水利局的主任,在电视上说。
A 500 metre perimeter has been cordoned off around the hole. Authorities had apparently suspected something was wrong with the site before the sinkhole appeared. 这个地洞周长长达500米。有关当局怀疑地洞的出现是由于事发地有异常情况发生。
A 500-page manual split among five translation companies working independently will not shrink your production schedule by a factor of five, it will increase your panic level by a factor of ten. 一份500页的手册拆分给五家独立的翻译公司,绝不会以五倍来缩短你公司生产计划,相反,它会以十倍来增大你的不安。
A 51-year-old female had first episode of sudden deafness in her left ear in July, 1996. audiometry revealed left sensorineural hearing loss with pure tone average of 78dB. 摘要51岁女性发生左侧突发性耳聋,经第一次璧院治疗后,听力轻微改善。
A 53-year-old male presented with firm sclerotic skin over bilateral hands, forearms, thighs and lower legs, focally causing contractures. 53岁,男性,双手、双侧前臂及双侧下肢皮肤硬化,局部挛缩。
A 53-year-old woman complained of the cough and the dyspnea for months before consultation. 一位53岁女性病患主诉在求诊前数个月开始出现咳嗽及呼吸困虽的情形。

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