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The structure and functions of open NC system are investigated based on the industrial PC with the motor control card and the data acquisition card.

The structural unbalance of supply and demand in domestic logistics markets is becoming more and more serious. 摘要目前,国内物流市场结构性供需失衡问题日益突出。
The structuralist dream of a fully analyzable language is now lost. 结构主义者充分分析语言的梦想破灭了。
The structure hen xuebai, being a new phenomenon in Chinese, has three formed motivations: precise thinking, linguistic analogization and prosodic accommodation. 摘要作为一种新出现的语言现象,“很雪白”类结构的形成有三方面的动因:人类思维的日益精密、语言形式的类推作用和韵律的调节作用。
The structure (fabric and bond) and structural strength of natural sedimental clays, and the difference and describing methods between natural clays and reconstituted clays are investigated. 摘要调查了天然沉积粘土的结构性(组构和胶结)、结构强度、表述方法以及与重塑土的差异。
The structure and characteristics of mannopeptin were introduced. The extraction method and biological activity were stated. The research and development progress of mannopeptin were discussed also. 摘要介绍了甘露聚糖肽的结构组成及其特点,简述了甘露聚糖肽的提取方法以及生物活性,探讨了甘露聚糖肤的研究开发进展。
The structure and functions of open NC system are investigated based on the industrial PC with the motor control card and the data acquisition card. 摘要研究了采用工业PC机、电机控制卡和数据采集卡构成的开放式数控系统的体系结构和功能。
The structure and locomotion mechanism of the robot are described, and driving mechanics models of the robot system are set up and analyzed. 介绍了机器人机体的构造和运动原理,建立了机器人系统驱动力学模型并做了相应分析。
The structure and memory principle of real-time data base have been analysed, the features of real-time database and relational database being compared, pointing out the necessity of integrating real-time database and relational database in the power plan 摘要分析了实时数据库的结构和存储原理,以及实时数据库和关系数据库的特点,指出了实时数据库和关系数据库在电厂中集成的必要性,提出了采用MVC模型实现实时数据库和关系数据库集成的方案,以解决信息孤岛问题。
The structure and morphology of prepared materials were detected by scanning electron microscope. 采用扫描电镜时模板、复合物及聚合物的形貌和微观结构进行了观察和表征。
The structure and morphology of the obtained carbon fibers are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). 用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜分析了碳纤维的结构。
The structure and preparation principle and methods of polymer/montmorillonite nanocomposites are summarized. The preparation methods and application prospect of the nanocomposites are mainly introduced. 摘要综述了蒙脱石的结构以及聚合物/蒙脱石纳米复合材料的制备原理与方法,重点介绍了纳米复合材料的制备方法与应用前景。

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