Rather than giving up when an obstacle is encountered, entrepreneurs ask, “How can we surmount this obstacle?
出现障碍时,企业家不是放弃,而是问“我们如何才能跨越这个障碍? |
Rather than go there by air,I'd take the slowest train.
我宁愿乘最慢的火车,也不愿乘飞机去那儿。 |
Rather than go there, I'd prefer to stay here on my own.
我宁愿一个人呆在这儿,而不愿去那儿。 |
Rather than going the way of the notoriously problematic personal computer, however, OTA-capable wireless devices will become ever more feature-rich, while avoiding problems associated with the increasingly complex software required to run those features.
想象一下,用户可以最终只为个人软件及功能付费,而不必再进行硬件升级或是光顾移动设备商店,这将为他们现有的手机增添与众不同的功能。 |
Rather than grumbling over not being able to live forever, why not make a good journey out of this life.
与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。 |
Rather than have a word with the muddle-head, he would argue with the person of reason.
他宁愿和明白人吵架,也不愿和糊涂人说话。 |
Rather than having his head in the clouds, Mr. Chen needs to be more pragmatic.
陈先生不要老做白日梦,还是讲究实际吧! |
Rather than injecting undifferentiated stem cells into damaged tissue, using precursor cells from a later stage of development -- ones already “programmed” to become retina or some other type of cell -- may be more successful, he says.
不是通过注射未分化的干细胞进入损伤组织,使用来自发育后期的前体细胞(已经程序化成为视网膜或其他种类的细胞)可能更成功。 |
Rather than learning the computer's native language (known as machine language), you can use a programming language to instruct the computer in a way that is easier to learn and understand.
与其使用计算机的原始语言(也叫机器语言),你不如使用一种程序设计语言来与计算机打交到,因为它更易学习和理解。 |
Rather than lecturing her supporters, she gave them cute, homespun encouragement: “I want for every child born here what I wanted for my own children.
她没有对其支持者们进行说教,反而用讨巧、质朴的故里话语激励他们:“我要为这里出生的每一个孩子努力,就像我为我自己的孩子拼命一样。” |
Rather than lightening the extra tax load it has imposed on American expatriates—or their employers, who often pick up the bill—Congress has just made it heavier still.
国会非但没有对美国在外人员或是常为他们支付费用的雇主减轻额外赋税,反而进一步加重。 |