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There are as many as 1200 syllables in putonghua.

There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt now. 现在埃及大约有80座金字塔。
There are around 8000 daily newspapers worldwide. 全世界约有8000种日报。
There are around/round/about fifty people there. 那儿有大约五十人。
There are artful artists and awful artists, although there are a lot of awesome artful artists, annoying awful artists' occur more often. 有精明的艺术巧匠,也有糟糕透顶的艺人,虽然有许多技艺惊人的能工巧手,令人恼火又可怕的艺术家更是处处可见。
There are artificial leather refinement packing,canvas refinement packing,ABS innocuity plastic packing,canvas common packing,artificial leather common packing. 产品的包装主要分为:人造皮革精包装、人造皮革普通包装、帆布精包装、帆布普通包装及ABS无毒塑料包装等。
There are as many as 1200 syllables in putonghua. 普通话的音节共有一千二百多个。
There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. 在岁月的进程中,有好多的夜晚也有好多的白天,段落都一样长;甚至于幸福快乐的生活也必须将其中的阴郁一起衡量。
There are as yet no tracks through the drifts, no muddied slush in the roads. 至今积雪上还没有任何足迹,道路上也没有踏脏的雪泥。
There are at least 2100 pieces of epitaphs and biographies about women in essay collections by the Ming authors including in Imperial Collection of Four. 摘要四库全书所收的明人文集中至少有2100篇以女性为传主的碑传文。
There are at least 6 distinct HCV genotypes identified. 目前确认的HCV基因类型至少有6种。
There are at least 800 types of bacteria living in the human gut. 人消化道内生活着至少800种细菌。

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