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Relative humidity is expressed as percentage.

Relationships with women are favored too. 在女性中的关系对你也是有利的。
Relative dating assesses the age of a specimen in comparison to other specimens. 一种是测定相对年龄,通过与其他的样品的比较来确定待测样品的年龄。
Relative difference quotient algorithm is strong in local search, while genetic algorithm with a parallel operation is highly effective in global search. 相对差商算法局部搜索能力强,而遗传算法具有较强的全局搜索性,发挥两者的优势,提出组合遗传算法。
Relative humidity The ratio of the amount of water vapor present in a body of air at a given temperature compared to the maximum quantity of water vapor that body can contain at the same temperature, i.e. when saturated at that temperature. 相对湿度:一定温度,一定气体中水蒸气的量与同温、同体积的气体中可含有的水蒸气的最大量的比值,即:该温度下的饱和湿度的比值。
Relative humidity affects the diffusion gradient for TRANSPIRATION and evaporation, which proceed more slowly with increase in relative humidity. 相对湿度影响蒸腾作用和蒸发的速度,当相对湿度增大时,以上过程会变慢。
Relative humidity is expressed as percentage. 相对湿度采用百分数表示。
Relative inequality, measured as the change in proportionate differences in income between the richest and poorest in society, has risen in 15 countries studied since the early 1990s, according to the bank's Key Indicators 2007 report. 根据亚洲发展银行2007年的调查数据,从1990年起,相对不平等性已经在15个国家成为衡量社会贫富之间差距的主要原因。
Relative kernel service routines and basic data structures are carefully designed. 给出了相关内核服务例程和基本的数据结构的设计。
Relative operations before IOL implantation in clued pupilary menbrinectomy, pupilloplasty, posterior synechialusis and so on. 结果术后第3天视力>0.5者8眼,0.5以下者28眼;术后1个月矫正视力>0.5者12眼,0.5以下者24眼;术后3个月矫正视力>0.5者17眼,0.5以下者19眼。
Relative paths do not include the slash in front. 比较的路径不在前面中包括斜线。
Relative permeability is defined as the effective ratio of effective permeability of a fluid at a given value of saturation to the effective permeability if that fluid at 100 per cent saturation. 相对渗透率被定义为在一定的饱和度时流体的有效渗透率与流体在百分之百饱和时的有效渗透率的有效比值。

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