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Ensure that all committees have clearly defined functions and goals.

Ensure smoothly to operate execution of sample tests, effective judgement of the results. 确保样品测试的顺利进行,对结果进行有效的判定。
Ensure stability as a principle of overriding importance and balance reform, development and stability. (六)坚持稳定压倒一切的方针,正确处理改革发展稳定的关系。
Ensure sufficient operable tools, equipment and consumables are available to undertake each task and investigate procurement of items as necessary. 确保每一项任务都有足够的可操作的工具,设备和消耗品并且研究必要的项目材料的采办和物色。
Ensure tax compliance with local and national authorities. 确保公司在税务方面符合当地甚至国际的有关规定。
Ensure technicians and equipments working in safe condition. 确保技师以及设备在安全条件下工作或运行。
Ensure that all committees have clearly defined functions and goals. 确保所有委员会都有定义明确的任务及目标。
Ensure that all customer bookings and inquiries are met with a prompt and efficient response. Ensure to comply with the quality requirements and policy. 遵守公司政策和流程,确保按照客户所提供的信息及时的订舱,并积极的反馈客户的询问.
Ensure that all works are being carried out in a manner which satisfies current Health and Safety Legislation. 确保所有的工作均在满足当前健康和安全规定的前提下进行。
Ensure that it is written into your contract. 你得保证把这一点写到合同中去。
Ensure that only approved and tested lifting equipment is used. 确保只使用检验合格的起重设备。
Ensure that others facilities such as air condition, compressed air system and fire system etc. running in good operation. 确保非生产设备如空调、压缩空气系统和消防系统的正常可靠运作。

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