Secret Weapons — brings viewers an informative and stylish report from the war against terror, and uses the latest in special effects, animation, macro photography, recreations and real-life battleground photography to explore the future of Secret Weapons
《武器之王》:一个对反恐战争的资讯性报告─利用崭新的特别效果、动画、微距镜头及真实战场的摄影等,与观众一同探索未来的秘密武器。 |
Secret affairs can only lead to devastating circumstances.
秘密时间只能带来糟糕的处境。 |
Secret affairs can only lead to heartache and emotional consumption.
否则只能是头疼的事情和感情的浪费。 |
Secret affairs may be tempting.
秘密事情是很诱人。 |
Secret affairs will eventually backfire on you.
秘密的事情最终会发生在你身上。 |
Secret affairs will only lead to heartache.
白羊座:秘密的私情只能导致心痛。 |
Secret affairs, letting someone play with your heart or giving in to feelings you know aren't right will lead to trouble and heartache.
私恋,虽然你知道那样不对,但是和那个人的关系会带来麻烦和伤心。 |
Secret agent James Bond has chased the world's most dangerous villains in everything from cars to spaceships, but in his latest adventure, his vehicle of choice will be a bulldozer.
神探詹姆士-邦德追逐敌人时乘坐了从汽车到太空船的各类交通工具,但在最新拍摄的007电影里,一辆推土机将成为邦德在电影开场中的坐骑。 |
Secret ballot can prevent election fraud. But at some point the benefits of some type of verifiable ballot may outweigh the disadvantages of potential vote buying.
无记名投票可以防止选举作弊。记名投票可能会招致贿选的弊病,但有时候会带来其它好处。 |
Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you.
白羊座:暗处的敌人将迫切地到处传播你的谣言。 |
Secret memorials were confidential documents submitted by Ming subjects to the emperor.
摘要密疏是时代臣民上呈给皇帝的一种秘密上行文书。 |