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He led a very simple sort of life ,went around in old clothes that needed pressing ,seldom wore a hat.

He lectured on philosophy at university. 他在大学讲授哲学。
He lectured on subjects relating to English Marine Insurance law and English Admiralty law for courses organized for British and European lawyers by Lloyd's of London Press some time ago. 他曾在伦敦劳伊德出版社为英国和欧洲律师组织的课程中有关英国海上保险法和英国海事法的相关主题做讲座。
He lectured to his students on modern writers. 他给学生们讲了关于现代作家的一课。
He led Israel twenty-three years; then he died, and was buried in Shamir. 2陀拉作以色列的士师二十三年,就死了,葬在沙密。
He led Mary to the altar yesterday. 他昨天和玛丽结婚了。
He led a very simple sort of life ,went around in old clothes that needed pressing ,seldom wore a hat. 他过着一种非常俭朴的生活,常常穿着皱巴巴的旧衣服走来走去,很少戴帽子。
He led a vicious life. 他过着一种堕落的生活。
He led an adventuresome, rough-and-tumble life. (他过著充满冒险、混乱的生活。)
He led an exemplary life. 他的一生堪作楷模。
He led his life, pinching and scraping. 他省吃俭用地过日子。
He led many non-violent demonstrations against racial discrimination and the Vietnam War, during which he himself was often beaten or arrested by the police. 他领导了许多次反种族歧视和反对越南战争的非暴力示威游行。在这期间他经常被殴打或被警察逮捕。

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