Ants are important for more than their ubiquity5 and environmental impact.
蚂蚁的重要性体现在它们普遍存在的影响及对我们所处的自然环境的影响。 |
Ants are our co-rulers of the land.
蚂蚁与人类共同主宰着我们的地球。 |
Ants don't carry calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches.
蚂蚁不可能随身携带日历就像招潮蟹不可能带着真正的手表一样。 |
Ants have a well organized society.
蚂蚁有组织良好的社会。 |
Ants in more temperate climates often lay down chemical trails, but Cataglyphis, apparently, does not.
温和气候环境下的蚂蚁往往会在路途中留下化学记号,可箭蚁显然不会。 |
Ants in the midst of a herd of aphids. The ants keep sucking at them to obtain their honeydew - milking, you might call it.
蚂蚁们在一群蚜虫中间。它们正在吮吸蚜虫身上的蜜汁,也可以说他们在挤奶。 |
Ants may not be very bright, but it seems they have a head for figures.
蚂蚁也许并不太聪明,但似乎天生就是算术高手。 |
Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.
蚂蚁醒来时要伸懒腰,而且在开始一天的工作之前会像人那样打哈欠。 |
Ants will then be saved from destitution, for they'll have abundant supply.
这样在万物凋敝的冬季,蚂蚁同样可以丰衣足食。 |
Ants, bees and wasps form complex communities but do not seem to rely on facial characteristics for their communication.
蚂蚁、蜜蜂和黄蜂各自均构成了复杂的社群,但似乎并未依靠面部特征进行交流。 |
Anttila: As soon as I turn my back.
安提拉:只要我转过身就行。 |