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In genomic study, rice is a model organism, because of its small genome size, availability of high-density genetic and physical map, and high degrees of synteny with other cereal plants.

In fact, the pawnshop staffer was a kind of talent repertory of modern rural company. 典当业内部严格的管理 ,培养了一批通晓农村社会实际的职员 ,这些职员事实上成了现代农业公司的人才储备。
In fidgety movements period,predictive validity was as follows:sensitivity 7%,specificity 98%,positive predictive value 90%,and negative predictive value 9%. 不安运动阶段GMs评估预测效度:敏感度7%、特异度98%、阳性预测值为90%和阴性预测值为9%。
In food group,the most common allergen was shrimp/crab mix(.%),fish(9.0%) was the next,then were beef/mutton mix( .7%),milk(. %),eggs(8.%) and soybeen/peanut mix(.0%); 食入组过敏原以虾蟹居首位(.%),其后是鱼(9.0%)、猪牛羊肉( .7%)、牛奶(.%)、蛋白蛋黄(8.%)、大豆花生(.0%);
In general, after d in dark, QL+TDZ mg/L+ NAA 0.7mg/L+ AgN0 .0mg/L was better for callus inducing rate andregeneration rate, which were 00% and 8. % respectively. The best result was obtained when the leaf adaxial side was touching the culture medium. 暗培养d后,在QL+TDZ mg/L+ NAA 0.7mg/L 的再生培养基中添加AgNO 浓度为.0mg/L 时的愈伤组织诱导率为00%,再生率为8. %。
In general, the He/ He ratio is 0 -7 ~0 - in the oil gas bearing area in East China, 0 -7 ~0 -8 in West China and 0.×0 -9 ~0.×0 -8 in midland. The distribution of He/ He ratio is distinctly related to the structural setting. 东部含油气区 He/He值主要分布于0-7~0-范围,西部含油气区在0-7~0-8的范围,中部地区分布在0×0-9~0×0-8范围, He/He值的分布与我国构造环境大的格局有很好的相关性。
In genomic study, rice is a model organism, because of its small genome size, availability of high-density genetic and physical map, and high degrees of synteny with other cereal plants. 随着水稻高密度遗传图谱、物理图谱的建立和全基因组测序的完成,水稻与褐飞虱已成为研究植物对刺吸式昆虫抗性反应分子机理的理想模式系统。
In geochemistry, it is a strongly peraluminous granitic pluton and characterized by higher SiO_ (7. %~7.0 %), Al_O_ ( . %~.7%) and P_O_ (0.%~0. %) contents, as well as higher A/CNK (.~. ). 该岩体具有富SiO(7. %~7.0 %)、AlO ( . %~.7%)和PO(0.%~0. %),高A/CNK(=.~. )的特征,为强过铝花岗岩。
In great details, Dreiser describes thesociological environment, especially the big city full of cunning wiles andtemptations. 德莱塞在这部小说里,具体地描写了与人物有直接联系的社会环境——大城市,其特点是到处充满狡诈和诱惑。
In group (9 cases), Nelaton's catheters were regularly reset immediately after T tubes removal in second week postoperatively. B组 9例术后 周拔T管后常规立即用红橡皮导尿管置入窦道作引流 ~ d(平均 .d)。
In group A,two incisions were made and only deep to subcutaneous tissue and a pie ce of disc was planted in each incisio n. 在A组兔两侧臀部各做长cm切口,将椎间盘埋植在皮下。
In group B, it was crushed. B组:造成左侧坐骨神经挤压伤。

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