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According to the bifurcation diagram, the effects of parameters disturbance on system performance are discussed, and the sufficient condition of occurring border collision bifurcation is given.

According to the basic concept of a street and its pattern language, and based on the concrete investigation in the village, we try to analyze the relationship among the material pattern, social pattern and the living pattern of a street, and study the ne 摘要从探讨街道的含义及其摸式语言入手,以客观翔实的村落调查研究作为立论基础,探索街道空间的物质形态、社交形态以及生活形态三者之间的相互关系,挖掘街道空间作为公共空间存在的必要条件及其单一性与多元性的空间意义。
According to the basic feature of modern agriculture, our country is confronted with the main contradiction between small-scale scattering management and marketization, industrialization and intensification management in developing modern agriculture. 依据现代农业的基本特征,我国发展现代农业面临着小规模分散经营与市场化、产业化、集约化经营的主要矛盾。
According to the basic point of IDEAL,during the software quality assuronce of repeatable processing level of CMM,aiming at the characteristics of software quality control work-flow of software process,this paper presents a practical improvement approach 根据软件过程改进模型(IDEAL)的基本观点,就CMM可重复级中的“软件质量保证”关键过程域,针对软件开发过程中质量控制的工作流的特点,对目前的软件开发过程和软件生产过程中如何分析、诊断和解决质量问题,提出了具体的细化改进建议,同时也给出了一套较为完整且可重复应用的解决方案。
According to the basic rules on the equitable and suitable utilization of water resources of international rivers,the basic approaches to the problem solution of the competing uses among the riparian states,and the three basic models of water resources al 依据国际河流水资源公平合理利用的基本原则,水资源竞争利用之矛盾解决的基本方法以及水资源的三种基本分配模式,通过对澜沧江—湄公河流域水资源利用的趋势与流域国间的用水矛盾以及现有的流域国间的合作程度、流域的管理机制条件的分析,认为现澜沧江—湄公河流域内,进行全流域水资源全局分配是较为合理和切合实际的分配模式。
According to the basic thought of unilateral test, this essay explains the restriction of unilateral test, sets up two propositions to recognize the restriction, and provides methods to solve the restriction. 摘要根据单侧检验的思想方法,揭示了单侧检验的局限性,给出了识别局限性的两个命题,并提出了对于这种局限性的解决方法。
According to the bifurcation diagram, the effects of parameters disturbance on system performance are discussed, and the sufficient condition of occurring border collision bifurcation is given. 借助分岔图讨论稳定区域附近参数变化对系统特性的影响,给出边界碰撞分岔产生的条件。
According to the biologic characteristic of the Longan and the data of yield and climate during its growth, by the methods of parallel analysis and mathematical statistic, it is studied in this paper the key stages and key climate factors that affect Long 摘要根据龙眼生物学特性、产量和气候资料,通过平行分析和数理统计方法,对气候条件影响广西地区龙眼产量的关键时期和关键因子进行了研究。
According to the biological characteristic, especially the reproductive habit, the present resources and economical value, measurements of protection and development of the sturgeon fishery were put forward. 根据黑龙江鲟科鱼类资源现状、群体结构变动情况及其生物学特点,阐明了保护和发展黑龙江鲟科鱼类的必要性并提出了建议。
According to the blood test, you are suffering from an iron deficiency anaemia, probably due to your heavy periods. 根据血液检查,说明你得的是缺铁性贫血,可能和你的月经过多有关。
According to the blue print of social and economic development drawn by Shanghai municipal government, by the year of 2010, Shanghai will have become one of the international financial, economic and trade centers. 根据上海市府制定的社会经济发展蓝图,到2010年,上海将新增金融机构300家,成为国际经济,金融,贸易中心之一。
According to the book, the return at this time is very auspicious. 重新开始前的这个时间点,用士亭秘籍来看是表现非常好和很合适的吉相。

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