Keep your breath to cool your porridge.
少管闲事。 |
Keep your bullshit detector in good workin` order.
让你的「屁话检测器」随时待命! |
Keep your business to yourself. Don't share all your problems. Even if you resolve them you'll have left the impression that you're indecisive or unable to cope with pressure.
自己的事情自己做,不要事无巨细都向同事请教。因为即使你已经解决了问题,你还是会给人优柔寡断或无法面对压力的不良印象。 |
Keep your car in good shape.
让你的车辆保持车况良好。 |
Keep your chin up and you still have a profusion of chances for you to improve your relationships with them.
别灰心,你还有很多机会改善你和他们的关系的。 |
Keep your chin up, stick to it.
别灰心,挺起你的胸膛,坚持下去。 |
Keep your comments relative to what is under discussion.
把你的发言集中在讨论的 问题上(与所讨论的问题 相关). |
Keep your cool even if your family and your career seem determined to tug you in two different directions.
桔解:在家庭与事业的发展背道而驰的时候,你要保持冷静。 |
Keep your dictionary ready (to hand) at all times.
把词典时时 放在手边. |
Keep your distance. Be friendly but not over familiar. Don't confide intimate details.
保持你的距离,友好却不要太亲近,不要和同事袒露太私人的细节。 |
Keep your distance. Be friendly but not over-familiar. Don't confide intimate details to your colleagues.
保持距离,友好却不要太亲近,不要向同事袒露太私人的生活细节。 |