When your point guard is your leading rebounder at halftime (when Alston had seven of his nine), it certainly said a lot about what he did to rebound but very little for our others in pursuit of the ball.
当半场时你的控球后卫是球队篮板王(阿尔斯通上半场抢到7个板),这当然说明他抢篮板抢得很努力,但也说明我们队中其他人在抢板方面做到的非常少。 |
When your points drain down to 0, you will be unable to use any prayers until you recharge at an altar.
当你点流失降至0你不能使用任何补给祈祷直到你在祭坛. |
When your search party is within range of his signal, your directional finder will lead you right to him.
如果搜索队能进入讯号的範围,就可以运用导向装置找到他。 |
When your self-esteem starts to plummet, try one of these pick-me-ups.
当你的自尊心开始遽然下跌时,你可以试试这些使人精神振作的东西。 |
When your sign is above the Colonel, you're big time.
当你的画像被放到上将之上,这对于你来说是一个伟大的时刻。 |
When your spirit is completely opened to the outside world, your spirit is in possession of the outside world.
三.当心灵向身外世界完全敞开时,心灵也便拥有了身外的世界。 |
When your spirit is completely opened to the utside world, your spirit is in possession of the outside world.
三.当心灵向身外世界完全敞开时,心灵也便拥有了身外的世界。 |
When your spirit leaves your body, you shed this shell and return to the formless essence of your Higher Self.
当你的灵体离开你的身体时,你卸下这外壳,回归到你的大我无形式的本质。 |
When your spouse is holding one of your hands, you would feel very safe and get the protection from him, thus your capabilities about resisting fear, pain and pressure would come back.
当配偶握住你的手时,你会觉得非常安全,感到获得了对方的保护,从而恢复抵抗恐惧、痛苦和压力的能力。 |
When your squad is in combat, it is your job to target high-priority enemy combatants (ie machinegunners, team leaders, anti-tank gunners) and eliminate them as quickly as possible.
在战斗中,寻找并消灭敌方高价值目标(例如,机枪手,队长,反坦克兵)是你的责任。 |
When your ticket number is called, you will be asked to present this letter along with your passport or another form of identification.
当你的票数字被叫做的时候,你将会被要求连同你的护照或确认的另一种形式一起呈现这一封信。 |