During their journey they came upon many sand dunes piled up by the winds.
他们在路上看到许多被风吹积而成的沙丘。 |
During their now weekly sleepover at Ally's, the women lament their inability to meet attractive, desirable single men.
当她们在爱莉的家中一起时,她们正在怨没有一个理想的单身男士。 |
During their seventy million year reign, the dinosaurs of the Jurassic may have migrated over a great distances and across several continents.
侏罗纪的恐龙在其盛行的7000万年里面可能迁移了很大一段距离,穿越了几个大洲。 |
During their silver anniversary, a wife reminded her husband, Do you remember when you proposed to me, I was so overwhelmed that I didn t talk for an hour?
在二十五周年纪念时,一位太太提醒她的丈夫:你还记得你向我求婚的那天,我被打动得无法说话长达一小时? |
During their stay in the factory, the students learned that Zhang Xiaoquan, the name of the factory's founder, is now the synonym for scissors in China.
在工厂里参观时,这些学生了解到,这家剪刀厂开创者的姓名“张小泉”,如今在中国已是“剪刀”的同义词。 |
During their stay on Earth the Cosmic Maya carried the burden of time.
在他们停留在地球期间,宇宙玛雅人肩负起时间的重担。 |
During their study, they can acquire some interpersonal skills.
在这个过程中,他们可以获得人际关系的技巧。 |
During their the mainland, Lien Chan and James Soong the great changes here.
连战和宋楚瑜访问大陆期间,他们对大陆的巨大变化感到惊叹。 |
During these 7 days, every trainee took an active part in each class activity. The three professors give them high praise and look forward to the next group of trainees.
在这七天的学习中,每位学员都积极参与课堂活动,受到了外教的高度赞扬并对他们所取得的成绩给予了充分的肯定,同时她们也对下一期的学员充满了期待。 |
During these fifty-two years, the event has become an annual international pageant of fashion and culture.
从1951年至2003年,世界小姐评选活动已先后在20多个国家成功举办了53届,已逐渐发展成为具有世界影响的年度时尚文化盛典。 |
During these sessions they often smoke a ceremonial pipe.
在这种会议上,通常会有一个吸烟的仪式。 |