My friends,we should always keep a happy mood,we should seek the main melody belongs to us in so much sounds of music. |
中文意思: 朋友,我们应当永远保持欢乐的心情,在众多喧嚣的音响中,寻找属于自己的主旋律。 |
My friends, the new millennium need not be a time of fear or anxiety.
朋友们,新的千年不必是恐惧或担忧的时代。 |
My friends, these battles have taken place over your entire planet in what you call World Wars.
我的朋友,在你们所谓的世界大战中,那些争斗就发生在你们的整个星球上。 |
My friends, unlash yourselves, throw visional goals, feel every wind and every rain in your life with your whole heart, and this is the point of life!
朋友,请放开你自己,抛开虚幻的目标,全心感受生命时空的每一丝风每一丝雨,这才是生活的真谛! |
My friends, we need your help to identify Rotarian and non-Rotarian prospects.
我的朋友,我们需要你的帮助来寻找扶轮社员和非扶轮社员的准捐赠人。 |
My friends,let us fight together again!
我的朋友,让我们再次战斗吧! |
My friends,we should always keep a happy mood,we should seek the main melody belongs to us in so much sounds of music.
朋友,我们应当永远保持欢乐的心情,在众多喧嚣的音响中,寻找属于自己的主旋律。 |
My funds are in Liverpool ,not xin Atlanta.
我的钱存在利物浦,不在亚特兰大。 |
My funny drawings amused the children.
我的滑稽的图画把孩子们给逗乐了. |
My furniture's in store while I'm abroad.
我在国外期间把我的家具存放起来. |
My future brother-in-law, then a tank officer in the Afrikakorps, heard the song. I was spellhound,he told me years later.
我未来的内弟,当时在北非军团中担任坦克兵军官,听到了这首歌。 |
My game was to anticipate what was going to happen in a big way.
我的玩法是从大处着眼预测那些将发生的事情。 |