For some people, decision-making comes pretty easily. But for others, indecision is a serious and crippling problem that can stop them dead.
对于一些人来讲,下决心是件轻而易举的事情。但,对另一些人来说,优柔寡断是造成严重损害的后果,因此他们就裹足不前,生死由命。 |
For some people, it may appear that the current job action by members of the Toronto Police Association is simply about the money and benefits that officers receive.
在有的人看来,多伦多警察工会会员的这次怠工行为不过是警察为了争取更好的收入和津贴而已。 |
For some people, it may take several days to readjust. depending on the length of time they were away.
有些人可能要花上几天的时间来重新适应一切,需要多长时间与他们离开的时间长短有关。 |
For some people, resting the affected tendon may be all they need to ease the pain, but others with chronic pain struggle to find relief.
对于一些人来说,休息静养或许是他们所能够做到的缓解腱子疼痛的方法,但是另一些有着慢性长期腱子痛的人还在努力寻求缓解疼痛的方法。 |
For some people, speed makes the thrill of driving, but there is one inescapable statistic...
对某些人来说,速度使得笳驾驶,但有一点是不可避免的统计:: |
For some people, the virus remains inactive.
对某些人,病毒将保持不活跃。 |
For some people,smoking is a deep-rooted habit.
对有些人来说,吸烟已经变成一种根深蒂固的习惯。 |
For some products such as veterinary teat dips it may be acceptable to use potable water where justified and authorised taking account of the variability in chemical composition and microbiological quality.
考虑化学成分和微生物质量等可变性,经过合理证明和批准,兽用滴剂等产品可以使用饮用水。 |
For some reason he smiled at what he saw, and turned to walk some yards along the towpath.
不知什么原因,他朝他所看到的一切笑了笑。然后转身沿着纤道走出几码。 |
For some reason or other he had not returned.
因为某些原因,他没有回来。 |
For some reason or other they decided to move to Detroit.
由于这样那样的理由,他们决定迁到底特律。 |