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In addition, Zheng He brought exotic foreign items back to China, including the first giraffe ever seen there.

In addition, PHEI also emphasizes on copyright selling of local products. In 2004, 35 titles were licensed to Taiwan. Some of them become bestsellers and are reprinted very soon after publication . 与此同时,电子工业出版社积极响应走出去的号召,全力着手版权输出工作。2004年全年共输出版权35种到台湾地区,其中不乏优秀之作,跻身当地畅销书榜,受到台湾地区读者好评。
In addition, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran, key members, are pushing the cartel to meet in Vienna next week to ratify the deal. 此外,欧佩克主要成员国沙特阿拉伯、委内瑞拉和伊朗正敦促该组织下周在维也纳召开会议,批准此项协议。
In addition, Soul Link's tooltip has been clarified to indicate it only works with your imp, voidwalker, succubus, or felhunter. 另外,灵魂链接的说明文字也已更新,明确了它只对小鬼、虚空行者、魅魔或地狱犬有效。
In addition, Stardust carried an equally important payload on the opposite side of the cometary collector: the first samples of contemporary interstellar dust ever collected. 此外,星尘号彗星收集器的背面还携带着同样重要的载荷:第一次采集到的(和太阳系)同一时期星际尘埃样品。
In addition, Tibet University will take the lead in curriculum development and teacher training. 另外,西藏大学会率先对学校课程设置以及教师培养。
In addition, Zheng He brought exotic foreign items back to China, including the first giraffe ever seen there. 此外,郑和也将外国的珍奇宝物带回中国,包括以前没见过的麒麟(长颈鹿)。
In addition, a Bangladeshi film series about Bangladeshi life and its socio-political experience will screen at The Verge/2416 Studio in Lijiang's old town. 此外,一系列关于孟加拉生活与其社会政治历程的孟加拉电影将会在丽江古城的边缘2416工作室放映。
In addition, a Director must not make any unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, whether to co-trustees or to any other person (even those to whom he owes a fiduciary duty) whether to or make any use of such information for the advantage of 此外,如未经许可,董事不得向共同受托人或任何其它人士(即使是该等董事须向其履行受信责任的人士)披露机密数据、或利用该等数据为其本人或其它人士谋取利益。
In addition, a complete refining installation must include the following: all necessary non-processing facilities; adequate tankage for storing crude oil, intermediate, and finished products; a dependable source of electrical power, material-handling equi 此外,一套完整的炼油装置须包括以下设备:所有必须的非工艺设施:足够的储罐容量用以储存原油、中间产品和成品;可靠的电力和物质处理设备来源;用于维持一天24小时,一周七天连续运转所需的车间和物资:废料和污水处理设备;以及产品调合设施。
In addition, a fuzzy appraisal mathematical model has also been established. 然后,利用模糊评价理论建立了多因素综合评价数学模型。
In addition, a low-pass filter can be employed prior to the digital-to-analog (D/A) stage to smooth the stairstep effect resulting from the combination of a low sampling rate and quantization. 另外,在数模转换(D/A)级前用低通滤波器可以平滑因低的抽样频率和量化造成的阶梯效应。

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