The image-numberological achievements obtained by the Yi zhuan (also called the Ten Wings) and the Han scholars were succeeded by the scholars of the Northern and Southern dynasties, who also criticized the formalist style in the image-numberology, and th
《易传》和汉代易学创造出来的象数成果得到南北朝易学家的继承,南朝易学家对象数易学中的形式主义学风给予了批判,并呈现出本体论思维与易学象数相结合的思想萌芽。 |
The imagery has also greatly improved.
意象也大大提高. |
The imagery is drawn from the actual life.
诗中的意象都是从现实生活中提取的。 |
The imagery network is born out of Buddha culture, but it is ended with more aesthetic modern meaning.
《野草》中的这个意象网络脱胎于佛家文化,但被鲁迅赋予了更具审美质感的现代意蕴。 |
The images I use in this guide can all be downloaded here.
所有我在这篇指南中所用到的图片都可以在这里下载到。 |
The images are absolutely brutal, showing in explicit detail the massacre of countless soldiers as the Allied Forces storm the beach.
场面及其残酷,逼真地再现了(英法)盟军涌向海滩时无数士兵被屠杀的真实细节。 |
The images are projected on a small screen.
影像投在一个小的萤光幕上。 |
The images can stand up to the elements and can be seen quite vividly even when exposed to extreme forms of light.
画面可以经得起雨打,甚至可以看到相当生动烧着极端形式光芒. |
The images come from AP archives in Britain, France, Germany and Japan.
这次图片来自于美联社在英国、法国、德国和日本的档案馆。 |
The images displayed row upon perfect row of photomultiplier tubes like huge glittering crystal eyeballs, the total structure dwarfing any human in the picture.
它的内部在鱼眼镜头下显得异常漂亮,照片中的光电倍增管共有1万1000根,一排排闪耀发亮、酷似巨型水晶眼珠,人在它庞大的结构下显得相当渺小。 |
The images generally fall into two categories: the utopian ones that question the established system as an alien force so as to make adjustment in western cultural tradition and social reality, the ideological ones that are symbols based on western value
因而形象基本上有两种类型:乌托邦形象,是作为一种异己力量质疑现存秩序,期望对自身文化传统和社会现实进行调整;意识形态形象,是按照本国价值观塑造的,通过主观整合异国的现实来符合本国群体的认知,以维护和整合本国社会秩序为目的的象征模式。 |