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A new method for layeredmedium image using reflection travel time;

Prevention and curation on blood vessels spasm after small vascular (anastomosis) by using papaverine and lidocain; 应用罂粟碱和利多卡因预防与治疗微小血管吻合术后的血管痉挛
Prenatal diagnosis of common chromosomal aneuploidies on uncultured amniotic fluid cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization; 应用荧光原位杂交产前诊断未培养羊水细胞非整倍体
Verification of the bilobalide′s absolute configuration using CD spectrum and chemical constituents of the extract from Ginkgo biloba; 应用圆二色谱法验证银杏内酯的绝对构型及银杏提取物的化学成分
Comparative study of biological characters between the primary and the immortalized epiphysis cartilage cell strain; 永生化骨骺软骨细胞的生物学性状研究
Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in platelet s was assayed by Western blotting and platelet aggregation was assayed by nephel omete r. 用蛋白质免疫印迹法 (Westernblotting)测定血小板内蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化的表达。
A new method for layeredmedium image using reflection travel time; 用反射波旅行时对层状介质进行成像的新方法
Sarsasapogenin in Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge and its preparation were separated and determined by RP-HPLC. 用反相高效液相色谱法测定了知母及其制剂中的菝葜皂甙元,建立了中药及制剂中菝葜皂甙元测定的色谱方法。
The isolation of harringtonine and homoharringtonine by an advanced countercurrent distribution method; 用改进逆流分配法分离三尖杉酯碱和高三尖杉酯碱
Dehydration in the purification process of industry methanol for high purity methanol; 用工业甲醇脱水纯化制取高纯甲醇
Preliminary investigation on hot-compressed water pretreatment of Japanese beech powder for fuel-ethanol production; 用加压热水预处理山毛榉树粉生产燃料乙醇的初步研究
The comparison of IR spectrum and X-ray diffraction and waxy crystal size for paraffin,gum,and asphaltene before and after treatment was made. 用降凝降粘剂EVA+AA处理高蜡原油,并对原油处理前后的石蜡、胶质、沥青质进行红外特征吸收峰、X射线衍射峰以及蜡晶尺寸变化研究。

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