Whatever you do, you have an influence whether for good or for evil,Ward told the high school assembly. |
中文意思: “无论你做什麽,你总会有一个影响力,无论是对良善的或邪恶的,”渥德告诉这些高中生。 |
Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that city.
路9:4无论进那一家、就住在那里、也从那里起行。 |
Whatever it is, we're going to focus on the eye of this storm and find out why it's there.
不管它是什么,我们都会关注风暴眼找出它为什么会在那里. |
Whatever seems good to you and to your brothers to do with the rest of the silver and gold, you may do according to the will of your God.
拉7:18剩下的金银、你和你的弟兄看著怎样好、就怎样用、总要遵著你们神的旨意。 |
Whatever town or village you enter, search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave.
11你们无论进那一城,那一村,要打听那里谁是好人,就住在他家,直住到走的时候。 |
Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
约14:13你们奉我的名、无论求甚麽、我必成就、叫父因儿子得荣耀。 |
Whatever you do, you have an influence whether for good or for evil,Ward told the high school assembly.
“无论你做什麽,你总会有一个影响力,无论是对良善的或邪恶的,”渥德告诉这些高中生。 |
When Aaron has finished making atonement for the Most Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting and the altar, he shall bring forward the live goat.
20亚伦为圣所和会幕并坛献完了赎罪祭,就要把那只活着的公山羊奉上。 |
When Ann came back from her long vacation, we gave her the red carpet treatment.
这是说:“当安度了一个很长的假期后,我们像贵宾一样欢迎她回来。 |
When Harry Potter got out I think you could actually see his hair blow back from the screams,Thomas said. They're very excited.
“哈里·波特出来的时候,我想你真的可以看到他的头发被尖叫声吹到后边去了,他们非常激动。”托马斯说。 |
When I first saw it, I thought it was handball and I've watched it again and it was handball. Simple as that.
“我一眼看到便认为是个手球,再看回放,确实是手球。事情很简单。” |
When I go on holiday everything will be black and white. I am pleased, as staying with the Rossoneri was what I wanted even at the economic cost.
“当我去度假的时候,一切将会水落石出。我很高兴,因为呆在红黑军团就是我想要的,甚至在金钱方面也是如此。” |