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A jagged wound or cut.

A integrate Chinese Medicine Painting is finished for more than four months. 6一幅完整的“中药画”作品需要四个半月时间完成。
A is an Abacus, the ancient Chinese adding machine which uses beads for counting. 是一个利用珠子进行运算的东西,叫做算盘,别看它不起眼,它可是古代中国最重要的,用来计算的工具。
A is recognized as B. A 被认作B。
A is suitable for B. A适合B。
A isual field test may be performed on glaucoma suspects to detect peripheral ision loss. 对疑似青光眼的患者需要做一项视觉测试来确定外周视力减退。
A jagged wound or cut. 锯齿状的伤口或裂口
A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial. 军人禁闭室军队中拘禁犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢
A jam occurred in a 603 scroll shear which covered the hopper sensor. 603号曲线剪发生了卡罐现象,盖住了送料斗的感应器。
A janitor reported that he had to hide in closets to train new employees who understood only Spanish. 一名门卫说,他只得躲在小房间里培训只会讲西班牙语的新员工。
A jar full of sour wine was standing there; so they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to His mouth. 约19:29有一个器皿盛满了醋、放在那里.他们就拿海绒蘸满了醋、绑在牛膝草上、送到他口。
A jar will be picked at random, and then a marble will be picked from the jar. 随意拿起一个罐子,然后从里面拿出一个玻璃球。

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