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I'm so frustrated that no girls wrote to me.

I'm so envious of you getting an extra day's holiday. 我真羡慕你得到一天额外的假期.
I'm so excited to hear of your engagement to Mary. I wish you ever increasing happiness. 非常高兴地获悉你和玛丽小姐订婚的喜讯,祝你们幸福与日俱增。
I'm so extroverted that all my feeling are explored. 我是个非常外向的人,我所有的情绪都从不加以掩饰。
I'm so fed up with life in the city. 我对城市的生活厌倦透了。
I'm so frustrated that no girls wrote me. 没有一个女孩子给我写过信,我真是沮丧极了。
I'm so frustrated that no girls wrote to me. 没有一个女孩子给我写过信,我真是沮丧极了。
I'm so full I couldn't eat another mouthful . 我吃得太饱了,一口也不能多吃了。
I'm so full I couldn't eat another mouthful. "我吃得太饱了,一口也不能多吃了。"
I'm so full I couldn't eat any mouthful. 我们只有时间吃一口食物。
I'm so glad I didn't agree to do it; it would have got me into serious trouble. 幸而我没同意做那事, 要不然惹的麻烦就大了.
I'm so glad I got through finals week. 我很高兴撑过了期末考周了。

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