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He maybe hearded of this name but forgets it now.

He may think he has the better of us, but we'll settle with him before the week's out. 他可以自以为占了我们便宜,不过不出本星期,我们就要叫他好看。
He may well be proud of his success. 他获得那样的成功是可以骄傲的。
He may wish to use gun or canon to hit this world.The consequence of that could be disastrous. 他便会希望砸烂这个沉默的世界,这样的结果是灾难性的。
He maybe have no hand-some, no money,no hourse but have a gold heart and could give me his warm hand to me, and care for me for the all life. 他,也许不够帅气、不够有钱、没有大大的房子,但他有一颗金子般的心,一辈子照顾着我。
He maybe heard of this name,but can't remember it now. 他可能听说过这个名字,但现在不记得了.
He maybe hearded of this name but forgets it now. 他可能听说过这个名字,但现在不记得了.
He maybe just simply agreed to what he has to agree for the time being. 他所答应你的可能只是那时随意答应你罢了。
He means business: he really will shoot us if we try to escape. 他不是说著玩的;我们要是逃,他真会开枪。
He means he’s a scout, and wants the Colonel,” explained Panov to his comrades. 他的意思,他的童军,要和上校,他解释帕诺夫同志.
He means nothing to me any more. 我跟他一刀两断了。
He means to do it from start again. 他打算从头再做一遍。

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