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Epiphyte Any plant growing upon or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support.

Epinasty (epinastic movements) A nastic movement that involves the curving of a plant organ away from the axis (i.e. downward) as a result of greater growth on the upper surface, as in the opening of flowers. 偏上性生长(偏上性运动):植物开花时由于上表面生长较快而引起植物器官弯曲并偏离轴向的向性运动(如向下)。
Epinephrine fell 70 percent, while levels of the feel-good hormone endorphin rose 27 percent and growth hormone levels rose by 87 percent. 肾上腺素下降了70%。而令人愉快的内啡素则上升了27%,生长激素则上升了87%。
Epinephrine is the most commonly used drug for severe allergic reactions. 肾上腺素是最常见的抗过敏药。
Epiphyllum, also called Orchid Cactus and Tan Hua, has 2000+ different hybrids in this world. 昙花又叫孔雀仙人掌,世界上有2000多的品种.
Epiphylly 1. The growth of a plant on the leaf of another plant. Such a plant is termed an epiphyll, or is described as epiphyllous. Examples include many mosses. 叶附生植物:1.指一种植物附生在另一种植物的叶片上,前者被称为叶附生植物或描述为叶上着生。例如许多藓类。
Epiphyte Any plant growing upon or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support. 附生植物:仅依附于其它植物体体表或物体表面生长的植物。
Episode 1-Seeing Is Believing begins a spectacular journey through cosmology ,tracing the history of astronomical theories and technology from the Ancient Greeks through Galileo, Newton, Einstein and Hubble. 第一集:看得见的真相--本集带你展开一段奇异的宇宙旅程。从古希腊时期到伽俐略、牛顿、爱因斯坦、哈勒等科学家的研究,重溯天文学理论与科技的发展历史。
Episode II ignited the Clone Wars, exploding on the screen as the Battle of Geonosis, the first engagement of the lengthy conflict. 星球大战第二集点燃了克隆人战争,我们看到的吉奥诺西斯战争,是这旷日持久的大战的第一次战役。
Episode highlights include everything from how to buy, brew and store this popular drink to revealing features of a great caf . 节目将教导大家如何购买、烘焙与储存这种热门饮品,还将介绍一家高雅的咖啡厅该有哪些特色等等。
Epistemological belief system and its effects on learning have drawn attention of educational researchers in recent years. 摘要近年来心理学家日益关注人们的认知观及其对学习的作用。
Epistemology as the critique of knowledge investigates the problem of possible knowledge, while the positivist theory of knowledge has resulted in a scientism and a false objectivism because it limited to the methodology of empirical science, identified k 认识论从事于认识的批判,解答认识可能性问题,而实证主义知识学则局限于经验科学的方法论,将知识与科学等同起来,取消了认识的主体在认识中的地位和作用,从而陷入了唯科学主义和虚假的客观主义。

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